Chapter 7

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Luffy pov: After I did that I put the dumble down and showed my middle finger to Kidd "Also stop thinking you are the one and only person who has conquers haki and if you say that you don't I will throw the fuckin dumble at you,bitch" then kidd said" So you have conquers haki as well,I challenge you to have a haki clash when we reach North island do you accept my challenge?" I said" I accept" Then kidd said" then be ready to lose" then went to talk to killer then I sat next to Traffy and said" I think I should be saying that" then Traffy said" I mean kidd's an asshole" then I said" yes that is the perfect word to describe HIM" then he said" yeah I know" then traffy smiled a bit and I felt my face heat up for some reason so I said" I gotta go now talk to you later" he said "ok" then I ran to the kitchen and saw Sanji,Nami and Zoro then said"hey Nami remember when you said "when you like someone more that a friend your face feels hot and your stomach feels weird"?" Then Nami said" Yeah,why are you asking?" Then I said "Cause I get this feeling like that when I see Trafalgar for QUITE A WHINE NOW" then Zoro said "So you can pronounce his name, I didn't expect that" teasing me then I said "yes I can" in an irritated voice then said"now shut up!" Nami said"oooooo~ Luff's got a crush on Trafalgar~" I said"I guess you can also put it lile that" in a nervous voice then Sanji said "Luffy-swan I should tell you something about love pls listen to me carefully ok?" I said "ok" then Sanji said "say his name how you did right now and be you're self do not be someone you are not ok?" I said "Ok I will be myself also do not tell anyone guys,k? Zoro said "You can trust me with you're secret" Nami said" I will not tell anyone" Sanji said" Will pretend like nothing happened"
No one's pov: Some one was standing outside of the door it was.

                     ---Cliff Hanger---

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