together in a room and there are two...

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Hello everyone.
This is my first time writing a story. Pls support and suggest ideas.

Hello - places,time , etc
Hi- thoughts
"Hi"- actions
Hi- talking

In cloud recesses..

   Classes were going normally and with wei wuxian well being his normal mischievous self.
Suddenly, There was an array  in the room.
Quiren - WEI WUXIAN.
Wei wuxian - what I didn't do anything.
Everyone was transported in a room.
There they saw that there were two wei wuxian. One was wearing black and red while other was wearing white and blue with forehead ribbon.

(By the way I'm going to call original wei wuxian as wei ying and alternate wei wuxian as lan Ying so you won't get confuse)

Qurien - who are you? And why are you wearing the forehead ribbon.(he asked while shouting)
Lan Ying - what do you mean shifu ? I always wear these clothes . Did you lose your memories?
Everyone was shocked .
Quiren was going to say something but one voice interrupted him.
(I will just writ me as narrator/creater whatever that is.i will call myself with
Me- ... So you guys won't get confuse)
Me- hello
Xichen - umm guniang who are you?
Me- I'm the creater  and...
Jiang Cheng- what do you want from us? ( Said while yelling)
Lan Ying- don't yell A-Cheng . Guniang what do you want from us ? ( He said calmly)
Me- I want everyone to react to another universe. Where the things are different and that universe is of lan Ying who is wearing white clothes.
I explain everything. So , I gave them seats and other important things like food ,tissues,etc.
Me- so ...
Wei Ying- what am I going to call you? He asked to lan Ying.
Lan Ying - okay let me introduce myself.
Everyone was waiting what lan Ying will do.
Lan Ying- (he bows a perfect bow )
Birth name wei ying courtsey wuxian, former clan yummeng Jiang current clan  gusu lan  by marriage, married to lan Zhan courtesy  wanji , madam of lan clan.
Everyone was well shocked 😂.
Lan Ying- umm guniang can you please bring my husband and children here .
Me- sure .
In a minute there was a light ,
When light faded there were three new people.
Lan wangji was carrying them both.when he saw lan Ying.
Lan wangji - lan Ying ...
Lan Ying- lan Zhan ..
Lan wangji with the kids rushed to lan Ying and he pick up the kids and hugged lan wangji.
Lan wangji - where are we ?
Lan Ying- calm down we are here to watch our story.
Me- so let's continue
Everyone- ok sure
Then the tv started.
There they saw
   There was a boy in a street getting attack from the dogs 🐕🐶. But then there was a man in purple robes.He told his name and asked the boy if he wanted to come with him .
Of course the boy agreed.
Lan /wei Ying both were terrified when they saw the dog 🐕 .
Lan Ying -  D-D-DOGGG. (He hugged lan wangji and said) lan Zhan save me ...
Lan wangji- calm down A-ying there is no dog here you can relax.
Everyone was shocked to see lan wangji talking so much and hugging lan Ying tighter .
While lan xichen was happy to see his brother showing emotions.
.......  Continue.
........ ........ ................... ................. ................
Hey guys how was it pls tell me so I can continue with my next part.
This is my first time doing it so pls do share with me if you like it or not .
If not then I will not fell bad so don't worry

MDZS watching alternate universeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora