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12:51 pm

Yuki: SEI-CHAN!!!!

Yuki: Oi, Sei-chan!!!Se

12:55 pm

Seijuro: I really want to know you.

Seijuro: Like....are you a girl or boy?

Seijuro:How old are you?

Seijuro: What;s your hair color?

Seijuro:And other thngs that concern your  attitude, personality etc.

Seen 1:00 pm

Seijuro: So tell me who you are!

Yuki:I'm Akashiro Yuki :3


Yuki: What? You don't believe me?

1:05 pm

Seijuro: So...I'm going to ask questions and you're going to answer them.

Seijuro: Got it?

1:07 pm

Seijuro: Got it?

1:10 pm

Seijuro: Don't escape my question.

1:15 pm


Seijuro: We're going to talk about this tomorrow.


Seijuro: Don't run or I'll kill you with my scissors.

Seen 1:17 pm

12:51 (Akashi Seijuro FF)Where stories live. Discover now