My Precious Warrior

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A/N: Time to switch gears from Mayatz to Rimi (Rico x Chimi) cuz why not i ship em too!! ❤️ enjoy

One stormy night, Rico had trouble sleeping. As he looked to his right, he saw his beloved Chimi sleeping in a curled position.

Although she has gotten used to human life and being around humans, she still acts like an animal, which Rico was totally okay with.

As he brushed Chimi's white hair to the side, he got up to get a drink of water until he heard barking.

For all he knew, it was not a dog.

He turned to see Chimi barking and growling in her sleep, kicking and thrashing. Rico held Chimi's hand and began to whisper, "Calmese, calmese, Chimi."

She began to mumble, "No, Mama. Ma...MAMA!!"

And she sat up, eyes wide and red with tears. Rico hugged her and she hugged back, sobbing.

"There, there. I got you, my precious warrior. You don't need to tell me. I'm here. I love you, Chimi.", Rico whispered in her ear.

Chimi purred and smiled. "I love you too, mi humano."

And the two eventually fell asleep together in utter silence.

A/N: sorry for the lazy endings loll

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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