Childe grabbed a clean paper and started writing.

'Hey Comrade,

I see you are having fun back in Monstadt but not enough judging from your letter. Well, if my precious comrade insists, I will try to finish my mission here quickly. If her highness Tsaritsa spared me from any immediate mission, I should be able to reach there by the festival.

Also, don't worry about Teucer. I explained to him about the situation. You won't believe what happened at my home. They thought all of you were going to come back with me so they prepared for you guys. But, don't feel bad about it. You can always make it up when you come to visit them another time.'

He paused to think whether he should tell her about them being spied back in Liyue. Not wanting her to worry, he chose to neglect this until he knows for sure that she could be in danger. He decided to end this threat once he gets back to Snezhnaya. His chest ached just from the thought of her being harmed. His right hand pressed his left chest and muttered, "fuck, it hurts just from imagination."

'I miss you. Even if it's only been just a couple of days. Even if it's just temporary. Even if I understand it's my duty. Even if I know you are safe with your family on the other side. I miss you, Lumine... I miss you so damn much.'

Childe stopped with a blush when he realized that he was writing down his feelings on the letter. He shook his head and chuckled to himself weakly, "she's going to think I'm clingy as heck."


The situation isn't good. They found coal-black dead bodies of treasure hoarders in praying positions around a defiled statue of Barbatos. They have wiped out Abyss mages and Rifthounds in the area. Dainsleif is reading their chants around the statue and the three are investigating for more clues.

Dainsleif spoke when he is done, "looks like that Abyss Herald was right. They are indeed collecting bits of god powers. These people were used as test subjects."

Diluc asked as he walked to his side, "did they get enough?"

Dainsleif shook his head, "fortunately, not enough for their plan."

Lumine looked at the bodies and gulped, "so, you mean, they know how to turn people into stones?"

Dainsleif touched one body's shoulder and it crumbled into dust. The twins let out a gasp in surprise. He shook his head, "no, they know how to decay everything."

Diluc looked back at the statue and asked, "so, we need to destroy this, right?"

Dainsleif nodded back, "yes, and they might appear when we destroy it so be careful."

Aether stood back-to-back with his twin and chuckled, "good thing, Barbara isn't here or else she would have fainted from the way we are saying."

Lumine joined in, "she still hasn't gotten over the holy lyre incident."

Diluc and Dainsleif destroyed the statue into pieces so that it can't be used again.

Within a minute, a portal appeared and two Abyss Lectors came out.

Diluc muttered, "electro, huh?"

Aether asked as he readied his sword, "so, C?"

Diluc nodded back, "C"

After finishing the enemies, they prepared to leave the ruins. As they were checking around for the last time, Lumine found an old pocket watch, "I knew I heard something dropped when we were fighting."

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