Chapter 6: Portals Spawn Out of Thin Air. Who'd've Known?

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The man strode calmly up to Steve and Tony. He glanced at Technoblade, and introduced himself with a curt nod. Suddenly, more portals began to open, both big and small. Beyond one was an African army. Across another was a woman on a winged horse. But one in particular made Technoblade's heart skip a beat.

Out of the threshold next to him emerged a blond boy with a red and white shirt, a full set of gleaming armor and weapons, and determination in his blue eyes. Techno couldn't care less about the boy. His reaction to the next person out, however, was a different story.

The winged father placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder, glancing around the battlefield fretfully. He spotted the unconscious Enderman first. The fear in his eyes expanded, and he took a step forward. Technoblade stopped him before he could go tearing after her. The Piglin turned his shocked friend toward him.

"Techno?" he asked, cupping his best friend's face in his hand, unsure of whether he was real or not.

"Oh, Phil," Technoblade replied exasperatedly. "You don't even know what I had to go through to get you back."

Philza exploded with joyous laughter, and he wrapped him in a crushing embrace. Tears flowed freely down his face as he bathed in the sweet hug. Technoblade himself shed a tear as well, though he swiftly wiped it away.

"Can we save the reunion for later?" Tony asked. Techno and Phil broke apart, then nodded solemnly. They assumed an attack-ready position as Steve called out to the army.

"Avengers!" he shouted. Tense silence followed as he muttered his next word. "Assemble."

With a mighty war cry, the battalion charged into battle. Thanos' army met them in the middle, and the felicitous sound of war filled Technoblade's ears. He wasn't lying when he told Phil that he missed this. But the crow father was paying him no mind. Instead, he dashed past Tommy and Tubbo—who were hashing out a plan with BadBoyHalo, Ranboo, and Jack Manifold—and into the middle of an aggressive standoff between the raccoon and an alien. Techno's heart skipped a beat as a stray laser nearly imbedded itself in Philza's shoulder, and so he charged after him.

"Phil!" he cried, clambering over the corpses and the concrete. "Phil! Wait!"

But Philza didn't listen. He sprinted on, dropping to his knees and skidding to a halt in front of the frail Enderman body. He held her to his chest, gripping frantically at her wrist. He had tears in his eyes as he desperately felt for a pulse. He stayed deathly still, not daring to breathe as a faint rhythm beat against his fingers. He gasped, grinning widely up at Technoblade with relief mixing in his sorrowful eyes.

"Take her home," Technoblade commanded as Philza scooped the young girl into his arms. "And stay there. I can't have you risk your life for me when I just got you back."

"You sure, mate?" his friend inquired as he stood up. "I could leave her in the cabin and come back with Withers."

"That actually isn't a bad idea." Technoblade scratched his chin in contemplation. "How about this: you go home, grab some soul sand, Wither skulls, and an enderchest, and bring them back to me. Then you can care for Mellohi."

Philza nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan!"

The two struggled through the mob to the portal maker who brought them to the war zone. They caught him as he strangled an alien to death with his cloak.

"Are you the portal maker?" Technoblade demanded.

"My name is Dr. Strange," he muttered. "And I am not a 'portal maker'. I am a master of the Mystic Arts."

"And I am a master of not giving a shit," the Piglin retorted.

"Techno." Philza's tone held warning. "Be nice."

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