"What's in the basket?" Steve finally asked, still grinning.

"I was just looking at all of the vendors and shops, buying a few things. You can join me if you'd like?"

"I'd love to."

You and Steve walked further around the square, stopping and buying a few more things to put in your basket and bring back to the castle. You even had Steve try a special food that was only found in Evradia. You laughed when his eyes widened at the taste.

While he was buying some for himself, you moved on to the next vendor. You got distracted while picking out the different colored string and didn't realize someone had snuck up behind you until they grabbed your wrist.

You were roughly pulled away from the stand and you yelped, attracting the attention of Steve and the rest of the square. The man that had grabbed your wrist pulled your back to his chest and held a knife up to your neck.

"I know who you are, Princess!"

"Hey!" Steve shouted, trying to approach you but stopped in his tracks when the knife was pressed tighter to your neck. He then spoke calmly, and with ultimate authority, "Put down the knife."

The man didn't do as Steve said, instead he gripped your arm tighter, making you let out a small whimper in pain.

When happened next was too fast for you to comprehend. Steve took and pulled a dagger out from the belt on his hip and threw it at the man's leg. The knife dug into his calf, making the man let go of you to grip his leg in pain. Steven then reached behind him and grabbed his shield from its halter. He raised it above his head and hit the man square on the back, knocking him out.

Steve returned the shield to its place, leaving the bloody dagger in the man and running to take you into his arms.

"Are you alright?" he questioned you, wiping your wet cheeks with his thumb.

You looked around at all the people in the square that just witnessed what happened. You realized that they couldn't see you break down, they had to see their future queen strong and resilient. So you took a deep breath and calmed yourself.

You stood. Steve was still trying to hold you steady, but you gently pushed him away.

"I'm alright."

His eyes were wide and frantic. "Are you sure?"

You nodded. Steve kept questioning you, but you eventually convinced him that you were completely fine. You were fine, truly.

You were just thankful that Steve was there. He proved that he was capable of protecting you as he said.

"Shall we make our way back? It's getting to be almost dusk."

Steve looked at the sun, determining that you were right. "So it is."

You made your way back to the castle arm in arm, showing Steve what else you bought at the market in the square. He liked to smell one of the wax candles, so you told him he could have it. He was reluctant, but you insisted.

When you got to the castle gates, you knew you'd have to leave him and you wouldn't get to talk to him again unless he won the next game. You were extremely saddened by that fact.

You let go of his forearm. "I'll see you at dinner."

You turned to leave, but Steve didn't let you. He grabbed your waist and twisted you around until you crashed into him, flush against his metal-plated chest.

There was only a second of staring into each other's eyes, not knowing what to do or what comes next. Deep blue pierced into you, looking straight at your soul it seemed. It was mesmerizing.

This close, you could make out just a bit of green in the sea of blue. His eyes held the colors of a lake below an evergreen-filled mountain, letting you see the sky and the trees in fractions and crystals. It made you smile.

He grinned back, the corners of his beautiful eyes crinkling in joy. You didn't know what you were both smiling about, all you knew was that looking at him at this moment made you happy.

Rosy lips were pressed to yours in an instant, hesitating when Steve felt you tense up. When you relaxed, letting him kiss you, wanting him to kiss you, he started moving his lips passionately against your own. You felt him grip your waist tighter, pulling you closer as you kissed. In a rush of desire, he bit your bottom lip and pulled slightly. Your lips disconnected for a moment and then he pressed them firmly back.

His lips were soft and warm, his beard rubbing against your face as he moved his mouth rhythmically. It felt like a caress as you moved your open hand behind his head, pulling him into you. It was difficult to have him this way, in armor that was too large. You wanted him to take it off so that you could be as close to him as possible.

He was the one to pull away, a dazed mixed with a shocked look on his face. You both were breathing heavily from the kiss you shared.

Steve ran a hand through his hair. "I'll- um, see you at dinner."

He left you standing at the gate, wondering if what happened, really happened.

You rushed into the castle and up the grand staircase, shutting the door when you got to your study. You ran to the circular mirror that was hung on the wall, fixing your smudged lipstick and other small things that were messed up about your appearance.

You had to be in a room full of people in just a couple of minutes, and you couldn't look like you had been making out with someone. You were doing a final once-over, smoothing out your dress, when your page knocked. You already knew that it was time for dinner.

Hand of the Heart | S. Rogers x Reader - Royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now