Under Refrigerator Light (Sunlight)

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[ Alternate ending of that scene in Rainbow Rocks ]

Twilight Sparkle's pov:

From the moment I arrived at Canterlot High, I've noticed Sunset being more.. friendly. I get that friendship is about forgiveness and I'm all for forgiving Sunset but its gonna take me a while to adjust to the fact that the last time I saw her she was a literal demon and now she hangs out with my closest friends casually. Its been a little easier adjusting though since they've been so welcoming. I'm sure Sunset's learned a lot since I was last here.

I was relieved when pinkie pie invited all of us to a sleepover, I did NOT want to sleep on a pile of books again. It was so nice catching up with them again, I know they're technically the same friends I have in Equestria, but they're different in their own way.

I had been working on the counter spell all night, and even though everyone else was having fun hanging out, I was super distracted. My gut told me it had something to do with Sunset, it was nothing bad honestly. But I kept noticing.. little things. Like the glances she gave me whenever Rainbow Dash told a joke when we were playing board games. Her hand brushing against mine on the way to the kitchen when the pizza came. Her arm resting on my shoulders when we were watching the movie marathon pinkie put on. Her breath down my neck when she leaned her head on my shoulder and fell asleep while we were sitting on the bed-

It was all distracting me from writing the counter spell!

Maybe I just don't trust her because of her past I thought.

I hoped that this sleepover would change the doubt of my trust because I really needed to work on that counter spell and Pinkie Pie's movie marathon was finally over. Everyone fell asleep because the only dvd pinkie could find was a rock documentary in Maud's room. Pinkie woke everyone from their naps as they all settled into their sleeping bags. Everyone fell asleep almost instantly, but Sunset took the longest nap so she stayed up a bit just with me.

"Having fun?" she whispered looking at me

"Um.. yeah" I answered hesitantly,

Not because I wasn't having fun. It was just because this uh.. this counter spell. Of course.

"Well" she brushed my bangs out of my eyes, "I'm gonna try to get some shut eye. Night Twilight"

She gave me a smile and laid down in her sleeping bag which was crowded around the others, but they were all n deep sleep. Especially Apple Jack who was snoring loudly in the sleeping bad next to hers.

I watched Sunset sleep from across the room sitting up in my sleeping bag. It felt creepy at first but its not like I had anything else better to do. She just looked really.. pretty..

There was something about her ever since I got here and I couldn't tell if it was just me being weird because of her past or.. something else.

I shook my head and very carefully tip toed over Apple Jack, Fluttershy, and Rarity and made my way to the kitchen to focus on the counter spell.

I started writing something down with the pencil in my mouth and spat it out before I even finished my thought.

"No, thats not gonna work." i said to myself in frustration

I started rubbing my eyes when I heard,

"Hey Twilight"

My hands flew from my face and I looked up a bit scared from the sudden voice. I saw Sunset leaning against the doorway.

"You're up late" she said giving me that look as she walked to the fridge.

"Just.. looking over the counter spell." I said blushing and covering my notebook, "We only get one shot at this, it has to be perfect." 

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