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3rd eye's pov

Arizona enters the bookstore. 'Wow, she really did it!' she thinks to herself.
A book with a black cover and a white letting with 'The Story' smiles at her.
She took the book into her hands and read the book description.

~Winter. White sonwflakes fall from the sky. All streets are white and you can see people with red noses and cheeks. The only thing that keeps me warm is the tea I made at home and which is currently in my hands.
I'm walking in the park like I do every morning. Walking past the a few benches, a blonde sits on one. I go a little more near to her, hoping we could start conversation. I sit on an acceptable distance from her - and that's when I met her.
Oclean blue eyes. Red lips. Light dimples. Light skin. Her blonde hair dances in the air. She noticed me.
I clear my throat, making her look at me. She smiles.
"Hey I'm Callie.", I try to greet her. She introduces herself as well. Little did I knew that she would make me fall in love with her.~

By now, Arizona had tears in her eyes. She can remember that day like it would've been yesterday.

"This would be 12.41$." The lady says friendly to Arizona. Arizona gives her 13$
"Keep the change.", she said, taking the book from the counter and walking out as fast as she could to go home.

Arizona mentally prepared herself for what she was about to read now.

She was cuddled up into a soft gray blanket, some tissues and some food with some water. Arizona planned to not leave this spot for a little while.

Dear Battleship. I hope you'll read this book. I remember you telling me to let go of you.
"Because I think that loving me destroys you." You said with tears in your eyes. At that moment I thought I could never leave you. But I did.
"Your memories about me will fade, our pictures will get gray and I will slowly leave your head and your heart. And then you will be over me." You then Said.

"I'll never get over you. I'll never forget you." I replied.

"If you don't forget me, then write about me. Write about us." You said, stroked my cheek, cupped my face with your soft and warm hands and gave one last kiss. The kiss we shared - our last kiss - wasn't needy or hungry or full of lust, no, it was soft, heartwarming, magical. It let the butterflies in my stomach rise again and I hoped we would never break this kiss; our kiss.

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