The Doctors' Appointment

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Izzy's POV

I woke up as I felt that my throat was very sore as I saw Jake coming over to my bed as I sat up.

"Hey Izzy, here is your tea with honey and lemon." Jake exclaimed as he gave me my tea with honey and lemon as he sat down on my bed.

"Thanks Jake." I exclaimed as I started to drink it.

"How are you feeling?" Jake asked me.

"I'm feeling okay. I mean apart from my voice, I'm feeling fine." I exclaimed.

"Are you ready for your doctors appointment?" He asked me.

"Not really. I mean if there is something really wrong with my voice then I won't know what to do." I exclaimed as I was really worried.

"Well let's get ready to go to your doctors appointment." Jake exclaimed as I jumped out of bed and went to get ready.

Jake's POV

As we walked to the doctors on Medical Island, Izzy was starting to get really nervous as she was squeezing my hand, really tight.

"Izz, you're going to be okay." I exclaimed as I kissed her forehead.

"I know but what if he sends me to the hospital, if he can't cure me with medication." Izzy exclaimed, worried.

"Don't worry Izz, he's not going to send you to the hospital." I exclaimed.

"I hope not as last year is the last time I go to the hospital." Izzy exclaimed.

We made it to the doctors as we went over to the receptionist.

"Hello, this is Isabella Green. We have booked an appointment for her to see the doctor about her voice problem." I exclaimed.

"Yes, the doctor will see you shortly. Feel free to take a leaflet." The Receptionist exclaimed as I took one of the leaflets.

"Thank you." I exclaimed as we went to sit down.

"That smell. It smells like the hospital." Izzy exclaimed.

"Izz, it's only the doctors. It's not the hospital." I exclaimed.

"I know. I just don't like it." Izzy exclaimed as we saw a doctor come over to us.

"Isabella Green?" The doctor asked us as she stood up.

We stood up with her as we wanted to be with her during her appointment. We walked into the doctors office as Izzy sat down on the bed while me and Cubby were standing up beside her.

"So tell me the problem." The doctor exclaimed.

"Well sir, Izzy has had some trouble singing as when she's singing, her voice sounds like it's croaking." I exclaimed.

"What about when she's talking normally? Has she lost her voice?" The doctor asked me.

"No she hasn't lost her voice but there is something wrong with her vocal cords, when she sings." I exclaimed.

"Okay we will have to run some tests on her before we come to a diagnosis." The doctor exclaimed.

"Tests??" Izzy asked us, as she began to panic.

"Now Izz, don't freak out." I exclaimed as I put my hands on her shoulders.

"What are these tests that you're going to do on her?" I asked the doctor.

"We will place a camera down her nose, so we can see her vocal cords." The doctor exclaimed as Izzy gripped my hand.

"With what?" Cubby asked him.

"With a needle." The doctor exclaimed as he pulled out a needle with a camera on it.

"A needle?? I can't do this!!" Izzy exclaimed as she was really freaking out as she is scared of needles.

"Izz, do it for our concert. You don't want to disappoint anyone." I exclaimed as she sighed.

"No I don't. Okay, I'll have the camera down my nose." Izzy exclaimed as me and Cubby were holding her hands.

"Okay I'll spray your nose with the anaesthetic spray, so you won't feel it." The doctor exclaimed as he sprayed Izzy's nose with the anaesthetic spray.

"Are you ready Izz?" I asked her.

"I think so." Izzy exclaimed as the doctor began to insert her nose with the needle and the camera attached to it.

Izzy tightened the grip on our hands. The monitor was turned on as it was going through her nose and then it went down her thr

"Now I can see the problem but I will get the test results now. Now I will take the needle out of her nose." The doctor exclaimed as he began to take the needle out of her nose.

Izzy put her hand on her head, when the needle finally came out of her nose.

"I feel like I will be sick." Izzy exclaimed.

"That is a normal side effect. Lie down for five minutes and it should go away." The doctor exclaimed as Izzy laid down on the bed.

The doctor went to go and get her exam results.

Five minutes later, Izzy sat up as she felt the dizziness go away.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"I'm feeling better after that dizziness but I really hate Doctors Offices. What if there's something really wrong with my voice??" Izzy asked us as she was starting to panic.

"Izz, you're going to be okay." I exclaimed as we heard the doctor come back.

"Thank you for waiting. Now Izzy's test results came back and we've got a diagnosis." The doctor exclaimed.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"She has got Nodules." The doctor exclaimed.

"Oh no not Nodules...! What are nodules?" Cubby asked him.

"Nodules are tiny bumps on Izzy's vocal cords and it is affecting her singing." The doctor exclaimed.

"What can we do about it?" I asked him.

"Well there is a surgery that can cure Izzy's nodules." The doctor exclaimed.

"No way am I taking the surgery." Izzy exclaimed.

"If she doesn't take the surgery, that means that she will never be able to sing again but if she does, there may be some alterations to her voice." The doctor exclaimed.

"What do you mean by alterations?" I asked him.

"It means that her voice could change." The doctor exclaimed as we all looked at him in shock.

"Izz, please take the surgery. It's the only way that we can have our concert." I exclaimed.

"Okay, I'll take the surgery even if my voice might changed." Izzy exclaimed as me and Cubby hugged her.

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