Chapter 23

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Darkness laid thick over the valley. Eery silence filled every corner only to be intruded on by an owl making its presence known. Many would have a hard time seeing but, Alex allowed his cat eyes to peek at the surroundings. The world seemed less colorful but it was easier to see shadows move.

Especially one of them. A human-shaped shadow was moving silently toward the main school, they were aiming for the window leading to the infirmary where Joshua rested. A familiar scent reached Alex's nose, and he could feel every nerve scream at him. Wanting him to stop this, but he waited for an opening.

His opponent was easily taken down. He saw movement among the trees. Elliott and Kai were there along with Jaxon, Haley, and Aeron. Everyone was in place. Their scent was masked by Leon's spell, allowing them to go unnoticed by the assailant.

As the assailant readied themselves to jump up to the open window, Alex caught the signal from Elliott, telling them to attack. Faster than anyone else, Alex threw himself at the assailant who was caught off balance by the ambush.

Snarling and groans intertwined as Alex grabbed the sturdy but short body and slammed up against the wall. Two yellow eyes glowed back at him, on a face so familiar, but who currently showed no signs of recognition on his face.

"Bloody frenchmen," Alex smiled, grimacing when Hadrien's claws dug into his arm. With power not caring for the health of the owner, Hadrien tried to push Alex off.

Alex's cat growled in his mind, but he pushed it away, having no intention of calling him as the situation could be messy. Aeron and Haley grabbed onto Hadrien to hold him down while the others rushed over, watching the snarling alpha with grim expressions.

"You were right," Elliott said. "He is being controlled."

"Yeah, I should have figured it out sooner. He is the one closest to me. It is only natural that my father would want to control him," Alex groaned a Hadrien bit down on his arm. "For his thralls to receive new orders, they would have to meet with my father. I'm guessing that's what Hadrien was doing when Joshua stumbled upon them. My father most likely panicked and cursed him when he heard others closing in. That's why Pyramus was targeted. He was the only one to wake Joshua up so he could reveal that Hadrien was being controlled, and now when we spread the rumors around that Joshua was about to wake up, he became the target."

Hadrien suddenly broke free, but one hit from Kai sends him to the ground, unmoving. Kai just shrugged when Elliott glared at him. "It is safer this way. At least until we can cleanse him."

"Well, at least it is-" Elliott was interrupted by a blast coming from the infirmary. For a second, they all stared at each other before a row of curses from Alex filled the air. A myriad of footsteps echoed in the hall as their bodies moved on their own toward the noise.

Alex could feel his heart pounding as he rushed up the stairs. Who had he overlooked? He couldn't remember. They soon arrived at the third floor and everyone hurried towards the infirmary. Elliott was the quickest though and Alex couldn't blame him for his recklessness. It was Joshua's life at stake after all.

Then chaos broke out as the scene became clearer when they rushed into the infirmary. The room was in disarray with Joshua's body lying on the floor. At least he seemed unharmed, unlike the room. The walls were covered in claw marks while scorch marks covered the ceiling.

At the center stood Raine, growling at a small shape with white hair, pale skin, and emerald eyes. Blake glared back at Raine but was merely able to look cute as he did. That Raine was here was no surprise. He always showed up when there was a mention of a dark witch or curse, but Blake wasn't supposed to be here.

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