"Yes baby "...."won't you go lay down upstairs....you'll hurt yourself sleeping here "

And I yawned "What's the time now baby"....."past six "


"You must be hungry right....Omgggg I did not even make anything "
"Mummmy" she said slowly "Omg I'm so sorry...lemme get going "

"Mummy " she said again "yes baby "...."I've already ordered food on your phone and it will be here soon"

And the door bell rang "I'll get it....." and i sighed before looking at my phone to see not even a message from Aiden....

"Mummy lookk " and I looked at the shorty.....Woah

She ordered a lot of food.....I mean a lot of food....we will keep for Aiden And Beatrice

I won't be able to leave the kids all alone.....without any one here...I'm going to cancel the plan

And I messaged Andrew and after a minute he replied....

Don't worry about that darling.

Well that was fast....

"Mummy dinner is ready " and I looked at dana "you can't be serious "

And she giggled "I want to help you mummy. ...I'm a big girl now" 

"Thank you baby but be careful okay "...."Yes mummy "....

We went into the kitchen and ate dinner before I cleared the place but dana helped me...

This girl...

"So Andrew made plans with me...I don't know for what...should I go?"

"Yes mummy,you can go....don't worry about us" she said confidently

"Are you sure " "yes mummy "

"How should I dress tho..."....a she smirked "Leave that to me "


So I'm sitting here all dressed by our lovely fashion designer here

Dana Nicholeson....

I'm just waiting for Andrew to show up "Mummy you look so beautiful "

"Thank you baby "....aria is sleeping peacefully Cuddling with my pillow


"I'm really happy daddy met you....sunshine in human form"

"Awwe baby " and she smiled "But to be really honest...when I grow up I want a love like that and I'll do anything to have that "

"Awe baby but don't force the it okay...let it come naturally and know that what is meant to be no matter how long will be"

And suddenly the door burst open Beatrice came in crying "Omg Beatrice what is wrong "

But she continued "Beatrice what is it tell me "

" Ai---den has been involved in an accident ".......


"Beatrice drive faster please " i said crying.....I'm breaking down right now

I can't lose him for the second time.....I just can't

Aiden please hold on.....

"B--ut Beatrice this not the way to the hospital "

"He is still in the ambulance and he said he won't leave without you....that is why I came to get you"


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