Chapter 40: The Head of House

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"Yes, I want to sit my exams and...well, I think I'll be needed here by my other friends," you told her earnestly.

"I was told by one of my first-year students that you have been supplying a healing salve to those who were inflicted on by Professor Umbridge's er..method of punishment. Is that correct?"

"Yes, Professor," you told her and she smiled genuinely at you, "good. I'm awarding you twenty points to Gryffindor for your attentiveness towards your fellow students despite the implications it may have had for you."

You gaped at her in shock, "oh wow, thank you Professor."

"Now, I want to speak to you once again about your career plans. I would like to know if you have considered the path of becoming an Auror?"

"An Auror? But I wouldn't be cut out for something like that, Professor," you told her, your eyes wide with bewilderment.

"I would have to disagree with you, Miss Y/L/N. Not only have you displayed an affinity for looking out for others despite the risk, you showed great dedication, resilience and composure upon the news of the attack on Arthur Weasley at Christmastime, despite the distress you no doubt truly felt. Those are strong attributes that would prove you to be suited to the role of an Auror, and I have no doubt that you would achieve the necessary NEWTs should you choose to follow such a path."

You stared at her and she showed nothing but sincerity as she looked at you, "it did cross my mind, I just didn't think I could do it," you admitted but then you smiled, "I do think I like the sound of it though."

She smiled back at you, "you would have to train for three years, under the guidance of a mentor, and that is only if you pass the aptitude test and have a successful interview. You will also require two references, one of which I would be happy to provide, and perhaps Remus Lupin, as a former professor could provide the other."

You grinned at her, "thank you, Professor."

She nodded kindly at you, "please try to stay out of trouble and focus on your exams, now that you have...less distractions." You bit back a laugh and gathered your things as she dismissed you, and made your way to the Great Hall to see if you could find your friends.


Unfortunately, the time you had left at school without the twins definitely did not go by quickly. You were glad that you still had Lee, Angelina, Alicia and Bea to keep you company in your classes, while the Trio always sat with the rest of you at breakfast and dinner. The absence of the twins was like a hole in your heart, and the effects of their departure was felt by your entire friend group.

You and Lee had taken to occupying yourselves between study sessions by levitating Nifflers from the Care of Magical Creatures enclosure through the window of Umbridge's office, and you revelled in her hysterical shrieks when she found her room completely trashed by the mischievous little creatures.

Your exams approached and with nothing much else to do, you completely immersed yourself in your studies. You spent every evening in the library poring over your books and notes, and in the dorm you practiced conjuring the least destructive spells you could manage. In a way, you were glad to have the exams to distract you, since mealtimes with your friends were quieter without the twins, the common room felt lonely without them too, and while you were content enough to curl up on a chair beside the ever-present fire with one of your books, you felt the absence of Fred leaning over the chair to kiss your head or surprise you with a peck on the lips, and you even missed George rudely propping his feet up across your lap or making paper airplanes out of your parchment.

As you sat in the library the week before your exams started thinking about all of this, you felt your eyes fill with tears. You had three weeks to go until you saw them, but the mixture of stress and exhaustion made you feel more fragile and all you wanted was to see those two idiots again.

You pulled their latest letters out of your bag, which you hadn't had time to reply to yet, and reread them again. George was filling you in on their progress with setting up the shop in his letter, and Fred did the same but talked more about how he couldn't wait to see you again, and that he loved you. You traced his signature with your fingertips and then gathered yourself, you convinced yourself that the more work you put into your exams, the quicker the time would pass, and the sooner you'd see your two best friends again. So you wiped your eyes on the sleeve of your jumper and picked up your quill again, pushing yourself on and throwing yourself into your work once again.


Once June arrived, the two weeks of exams flew by and you felt the benefits of your hard work as you sat all six exams without too much trouble, and after completing the practical part of your Dark Arts exam during which you successfully performed the Patronus Charm and then easily incapacitated a Chameleon Ghoul, you were finished your NEWTs.

It was nighttime by the time you were done and you collapsed beside Angelina and Alicia on the couch in the common room, as they had also just finished their DADA exams, though they had yet to sit their Divination exam which was the following afternoon. You felt like you could have passed out on the comfy sofa right then, but commotion from outside made the three of you jump and Lee came running down the stairs from the dormitories.

"They're trying to oust Hagrid!" He yelled and the four of you ran to the window, and sure enough Hagrid's hut was surrounded by a number of figures who were blasting spells at him while Umbridge watched.

"Surely they can't do this!?" Alicia gasped in horror and you stared in silent fury as the spells bounced off of Hagrid, but one of them hit Fang and you gasped as the dog fell unconscious. Hagrid roared and picked up his beloved dog and slung him over his shoulders as he charged at his attackers and then fled, and then you all sighed in collective relief as McGonagall stormed onto the scene.

You could see she was furious and was shouting at the attackers but to your utter horror, at least four stunning spells were blasted at her and knocked her straight to the ground. You gasped and Alicia's knees buckled at the sight, Lee muttered angry obscenities while Angelina stared silently with wide eyes at the scene below. You felt so helpless because you knew there was nothing you could do as the Aurors were directed to leave by Umbridge, and you could only watch while McGonagall was taken to St Mungo's by Healers who'd been called to the scene by other members of the faculty.

The following day, you were making your way back to the common room after lunch when you were grabbed by Harry and pulled into an empty corridor with Ron and Hermione. You'd hardly seen them because of how busy you'd been, but you all observed each other as you stood in your Muggle clothes and you could see clear as day that the three of them looked shaken.

"What is it?" you asked upon seeing their expressions, "is this about Hagrid? Because I saw everything-"

"He's got Sirius," Harry said as soon as he let go of your arm.

"What!?" you hissed, in complete astonishment.

"Voldemort has Sirius," Harry said without a beat of hesitation, "I had a vision just like the one I had of Mr Weasley being attacked."

You felt your heart beginning to pound erratically in your chest and you saw Ron and Hermione sharing a wary look, but you had only one obvious choice to make, "when do we go?"


A/N: Road trip to the Department of Mysteries anyone?:)

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora