How it started

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It was all normal. The day was just like the one before. Nothing unusual. Went to school, got bored to death, went home, got ready for night classes and was ready to bore myself again, but no. Of course not. The stupid Mason had to go and skip classes. I mean that is nothing out of the ordnary. We all have that one studant who thinks they are so so cool, and not on such a low level to stay in class. It would have not bothered me at all if he didn't drag my best friend into it though. Nyle, my best friend. He is an amzing Person. Really, he is smart, has good grades, but the only flaw would be Mason. I have absolutely no idea why he hangs out with him and his little gang, I dont even know their names. They are truble, and Nyle knows it, and still chooses to stay with them. It woudn't be the first time they skipped classes with Nyle, but the first time he made me go with him.

Now, it was pretty much a normal walk at night. If you ignore all the fighting and yelling, than maybe. I was all the way in the back, just walking, tryng to avoid talking to any of the dudes, cuz honstly, why talk to someone you dont even like or know the name of.

It would all be okay if i didn't have this thing called gutt feeling. Seriously, we all have it's just that most poeple ignore it. But it is real. Nyle says I am psycic, cuz of all the times i knew something was off. And something was off right now. I could feel it, it's like a stomach ache that you can't locate, like you are about to throw up, or have been punched in the guts, all of those at once. I tried calling out to Nyle, but i couldnt hear my own voice cuz of all the yelling, how can he. If everyone would just shut up.
And than all of a sudden, there was this screeching sound, so loud it shut them all up. It sounded like a cat or a dog being chocked or beat to death, or maybe like a baby crying, or was it both at once, I don't know. And I didn't have time to think about it, when all of the big dudes started running like some five year-olds. But you can't blame them, it was so loud I'm suprised the neighbours aren't out on their porch yet. They all started running twords me, or the school thet was behind me. So I did too. And half way trough the run, I heard someone scream, he was begging for help, like someone or something has already cought him and he needs help to get out of the things gripp. But guess what? No one helped. They started running even faster, not daring to look behind them, to see what is happening. And that is how one by one, around 5 guys died. The only three to survive the attack were Mason, Nyle and me. Now if I could i would throw Mason back out and let him die. I did not give a shit about that dude.
I never thought i could run this fast, an make it back to class first. But it could also be cuz i was all the way in he back and had a head start. But when we three got in class, we probably looked like maniacs. Falling on our knees, tryng to catch a breath while trying to explaining to the teacher what had just happend. And the fact that we had a substitute teacher did not help at all. He was asking things we did not have an answer to. And you can only guess the other studants reactions when they heard, smething as out there, probably killing people. They all freaked out, some even started crying. The teacher didn't know what to do, he tried calming everyone down. Keyword "Tried". After a lot of screaming and panicking the teacher told us all to call our parents and go home.
No one was brave enough to leave the classroom, not even look out of the window. Not like you could see anything, I mean it was dark outside.But if we turned the lights off we could see what hapoend to some of them, but as we all have guessed it, that one girl screamed, wanting the lights to be turned back on. Not like the light would save you when that thing comes to get you.

As we were all waiting for our parents to come, I was stopped by the teacher. He wanted to know what happend, and now that everyone was busy calling and explaining the situaton, it was the perfect time to ask, so I told him how the idiots thought it was a good idea to skip, and how i was dragged into it, how we were all just walking like normal loud idiots who skipp night classes, and then the weird screeching sound and the running. And he looked Like he didn't believe a word I said. How so unexpected.
And than our parents came, we all went home, and went to bed. That is how i hoped my night would end, but you know, nothing goes the way we want it to. My mom yelled at me like crazy, like I had just killed someone, or have been caught doing drugs. And both i wouldn't do. I might be a little to sarcastic for my own good, and to bitchy, but i wouldn't kill or do drugs. The entire car ride I had to listen to my mom explaing to me why skipping is bad, how disapointing I was, and how I am in so so much truble now. But guess what? My suffering didn't end there, I had to explain the same thing to my dad and the rest of thhe family and answer the same questions. Then, when I was finally able to go to my room and sleep, I couldn't. How can I. I was just attacked by something i didn't even see, and am most likely a murder witness or something.

The noise just kept replaying in my head. I could hear the weird screeching, the guys running, and one by one asking for help, not wanting to die. And I couldn't stop it. It was as if my brain was trying to show me something i missed, or should know. Well that is how it felt. So I thought so hard, tryng to remember anything at all, just something that would give me a clue on what has happend just a few hours ago. But i couldn't, I mean it all happed so fast, I couldn't see anything. I tryied to think of anything that could be related to this. I remember someone talking about a serial killer few days ago but i doubt its real, and even if it was what would a serial kiler want with a bunch of high school kids. It didn't make sense. All of it was so much for my brain it hurt, but the sceen wouldnt stop replaying, like it was on loop, and then I saw it. I swear I saw someone before the screeching. It was a man, he was pretty tall. Wore a black hoodie with weird white letters on the sides of his sleeves, and if I wasn't a blind bitch that needed glasses I might have been able to read it. The person was running, pretty fast and hiding behind bushes. It could have been a him that attacked us, but why? We were just a buch of high scool kids.

But after nothing made sense I got up and looked for anything on the internet. To see if i could find anything similarto the sound. But after looking for hours and not being able to find anything, I gave up for now. My plan was to go to the girls that were talking about the serial killer and see what they know, and hope to find answers and thingsrelatedto the incident.


That would be it for the first chapter😁.
Now this was a nightmare I had and thought it would make a good story. I hope you like how it has been for now.
Keep in mind that i just do things I feel like doing, so the posts will be irregular🥲. But yeah bey thx for reading❤🥰❤

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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