I don't feel like I'm in danger, after all these people helped me despite wherever the hell they brought me. So I knock on the window and try to get their attention.

The woman turns to me.

"Hey. I'm sorry we brought you here but there's a reason, I promise you. My name is Daisy and I would like to ask you a couple of questions if you don't mind?"

As much as this is starting to feel like an interrogation I agree. Maybe I can find out something about them too.

"Sure, but only if you'll answer mine too," I say.

"Right. I can't tell you everything but we'll see," she replies as if she knew what I was gonna say.

The older man nods to Daisy and walks away. Daisy opens the door to the room and steps in.

Before she gets to say anything I ask. "Are you guys cops?"

She laughs. "No, we're not. As I said I can't tell you everything but we are not the police."

I fell quiet now and waited for her questions.

"I'm sorry we took you from there so suddenly but we need to know about you powers. What's your name for starters?"

"Leah Miller," I answer. An easy question, huh?

"Mine is Daisy Johnson. Are you an inhuman?"

Jinxed it. This question came very straightforwardly and made me cautious. What if they're hunting my kind? This wouldn't make any sense since she had shown signs of powers too and quite literally saved me some minutes ago.

She stares at me, waiting for an answer.

"Yes, I am. Are you?" I shoot back. I need as much information about them as possible.

"Yeah," Daisy replies simply. "Could you describe me your powers please?" she asks.

"I don't know exactly how you would call it, but I can manipulate people's strength. I can make them either weak or super strong. I can make them so weak that they die. But it takes a lot of energy to do that. I can also do it all to myself," I add quietly as it brings back many painful memories.

Daisy seems to notice but doesn't comment on it. She instead asks me: "How did you heal your shoulder from the gunshot?"

"Oh, yeah I can also heal myself and others, but it takes tons of energy to do so. Healing a dying person could kill me," I explain.

Daisy laughs. "So you're pretty powerful, huh? I need to know a couple of more things if that's alright?" she adds.

I nod.

"How long have you had your powers for? You seem to know your way around them," she says.

"5 years," I reply. "I got them when I was 18."

Daisy seems surprised. She thinks a bit about what to say.

"How did you get them?" she wants to know.

I am a little hesitant. Nobody's allowed to know where I'm from. But I think I can trust another inhuman, right?

"In a place called Afterlife. But I don't live there anymore. I suppose you're from there too right..?" I question her hesitantly.

Daisy looks straight into my eyes.

"How long ago did you leave?" she asks, completely ignoring my question.

"3 years ago," I mumble, hoping she doesn't want to know any further.

She nods.

"Why did you leave?"

"I got banished."

She has a puzzled look on her face.

"Why?" she asks.

But I can't answer to that so I ask instead. " Do you know something about Afterlife? Because you seem to and I need to know. Did something happen? Have you been there?"

Daisy is surprised by my sudden confidence and thinks about it.

"I was there just a couple of weeks ago. We had a war with the Afterlife and it's destroyed now. Most of the inhumans are alive don't worry," she said, seeing the concern in my eyes.

I am completely taken back by that. This is not what I was expecting. My heart starts racing unbearably.

"What about Lincoln and Gordon? Do you know them? Do you know if they're ok?" I ask quickly.

Daisy's head falls. "Lincoln is fine, but I'm so sorry about Gordon. He chose his side and we didn't have a choice. May I ask how did you know them both?"

I don't hear her last question. My eyes get watery and I start to feel dizzy. Gordon is gone. The man who raised me, who made me into who I am today. Yes, he might've had some weird fondness towards Jiaying, Afterlife's leader who banished me, but he was like a father to me.

Suddenly I don't want to talk to Daisy anymore. I don't want to talk to anyone here. They killed Gordon. I need to get out of here.

"Can I go home now, please?" I ask Daisy the nicest way possible.

She shakes her head sadly as if she really feels sorry. "Inhumans are in danger right now, we can't let you go."

"I can defend myself," I snap at her.

Daisy smiles at me. "I have no doubt in that. But you're an unregistered inhuman and we can't just let you walk away."

I start to lose my patience and my powers start crawling under my skin waiting for me to use them. I don't want to harm Daisy but I really don't seem to have a choice right now.

Unfortunately the older man comes back right as I was about to get out of here. I don't know anything about him at the moment, for all I know he could be an inhuman too and I would be outnumbered.

"You guys finished?" he asks in an ironic tone.

Daisy nods.

The man stretches out his left hand to shake mine. "I'm Phil Coulson. Sorry we are taking you in but there isn't any other choice right now. Hope you can make yourself at home."

He steps out of the room with Daisy and closes the door. The room shakes a little and starts moving. I find myself in a bigger white room. Funny. There's a woman in there who smiles at me.

"Hello! My name is Jemma Simmons. This room is going to be your home for a little while so make yourself comfortable. We are going to examine you in a little bit, see how your health is and that kind of stuff. See you then," she says, still smiling.

She seems really sweet and I choose that I can trust her.

I smile back and nod. "Thank you."

Jemma leaves me alone in the white very boring looking room. What the hell do I do now?

Inhuman LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora