BangChan: don't worry 'bout that

Changbin: what's the plan?

You explain the plan and everyone heads back home waiting for the morning to arrive. 
**************time skip*************


author POV:

Skz is waiting in their practice room for all the staff. They said that they wanted to treat all the skz staff including even the sweepers and all those people. Younseung sent the picture of the bracelet from last night to bangchan.

they were still waiting when one of the cameramen came in and said...

Cam man: attention guys!!! we have a new staff member. He joined yesterday. his name is jun-ho.

everyone looked at the "new staff", and the skz noticed the bracelet that look exactly similar to the bracelet in the pic.

Skz members looked at each other giving each other signals. And went straight to the jun-ho jumping like babies.

Han: hyung...hyung..(to jun-ho) you wanna grab a lunch together.

Felix: welcome to the staff fam...*smiling*.

jun-ho, who is confused AF looks at the cameraman. the cameraman replied "you should go!! it's their way to thank the staff...since you're new here, they're gonna give you a treat"

Changbin: ahh...hyung(to jun-ho) khaaja palli (lets go, fast)

I.N: na beghoppayo (i am hungry)

everyone was clutching onto him so he had no choice but to accept. Jun-ho accepted the offer having absolutely no idea what's gonna happen.

Lino: since you're the same age as me...*puts his arm around his shoulder* lets go.*walks out with jun-ho and the other members*

BangChan: *to the staff* your drinks are on their way *goes behind the members*

the members lead jun-ho outside the building to a narrow street.

Jun-ho: is this the correct way?

Hyunjin: oh yeah it is...don't worry.

they go inside a narrow street where you and your teammates are waiting for them.

Jeungun: took forever.

Felix: mianhe~(sorry) we just have too many staffs. *glares at jun-ho*

jun-ho finally understood the assignment.

Jun-ho: what could I fall for such a stupid trick.

Rin: well you did...

Jun-ho: *turns to skz who are standing behind him* yah you bastards you gonna regr-

Y/n: *hits the side of his neck with the back of a pistol that made him unconscious immediately, and fall on the ground* that was....pretty easy

Seungmin: IKR

BangChan: what you gonna do now? *pointing at jun-ho who is unconscious with his face buried in the ground*

Y/n: oh!!it's over...I called my juniors, they gonna take him to the cyber cell for interrogation.

Changbin: you gonna be there?

Y/n: yeah...I will...but tomorrow...I need the whereabouts of rockey.

Rin: I'll co-

Y/n: NO

Rin: huh? why?

Y/n: *whispers into her ear* you better enjoy your date.

Rin: *chuckles*

Y/n: *smiles and looks at I.N*

I.N: *confused at first but then sees rin smiling, so understands the situation**chuckles while looking away*

you guys waited for your JRs. to come. They reached after a few minutes and salute you before picking jun-ho up and putting him on a stretcher*

Boy: *bows* annyonghaseo sunbenim

Y/n: annyonghaseo!!

Boy: noona...I have a message for you...the interrogation will start tomorrow morning at 10:30, you're gonna have a meeting, no need to bring your team, after the mee-

Y/n: *pats his head and ruffles his hair* grew up so well *smiling*

Boy: ahh mwoya? (what) I am not the little boy you trained years ago *proud* anyway bye I am really busy...*waves and leaves*

Y/n: *you laugh at his cuteness*

Hyunjin: let's go grab lunch for real now.

Changbin: who was that kid?

Y/n:  he is my junior...he got selected in the same way as me. I trained him for his first three years before I got positioned as the branch leader. He is really talented.




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