I feel a hard elbow come into contact with my rib, looking over to see Kat looking down at her waffles innocently. I turn my attention back to Christian, as I edge ever so slightly closer to him. I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, feeling nervous.


That's the best I can come up with? After an entire day of rethinking how badly I convey my messages and how much I'm in love with him, that's the only thing I can come up with? A measly, 'Hi'?

"Hi." he replies, his own nervous tone matching mine.

"I um, was um, meaning to talk to you today, but I uh... I'm still trying to think of what to say." I stutter out. Geez, I probably sound stupid.

"That's okay, take as long as you need. I'll be here whenever you want to talk." he replies before turning and walking towards the back living/piano room. He turns back before he enters though, looking back at me and mouthing "I love you". I smile, touching my lips before pretending to blow it towards him. He smiles softly, closing the door quietly behind him as he disappears.

I let out a deep sigh, one I didn't know I was holding in. Kat turns to my, slapping me in the shoulder lightly.

"See, it wasn't that hard, right?" she says, opening the waffle maker and grabbing a plate.

"No, but I basically didn't say anything, just said I still wasn't ready talk about the stupid thing I did." I say, the plate of waffles being pushed into my hands.

"Yeah, but you two still managed to sneak in a little 'I love you, No, I love you more' moment. Read between the lines, even apart you guys can't really be apart." She replies, pouring the next batch of waffles into the machine.

"How did you see that, your head was down?" I ask, confused, as I take a bottle of maple syrup out of the fridge along with a punnet of strawberries.

Kat only scoffs, shaking her head at me. I take my seat again at the bench, preparing my waffles before digging in.

"Hypothetically, if I was to talk to Christain today, what should I say?" I ask Kat through a mouthful of food.

"I can't answer that. You know what you need to say L, and you need to say it sooner rather than later."


This is worse than I ever could have imagined. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I feel like I'm dying. Being without her is the worst thing I ever could have imagined, and more.

I couldn't sleep at all last night. What she had said kept running through my head. I'm not mad at her, not even the slightest. I know this is how she gets when faced with uncertain times, but I feel so lost without her. Like she was the missing piece in an almost completed puzzle, and now that she's gone the puzzles' incomplete again. I don't even know how to talk to her. I don't want to rush her, because I know that will just push thing further than they need to go, but I have a burning need to talk to her.

I went down this morning to read in the living room. Playing piano feels weird without her there listening along, but there was still one book I needed to read.

I'm up to the third book in 'The summer I turned pretty' and to be honest, it's not that bad. But, Lera is definitely wrong. That Conrad guy has nothing on me. I can see why Lera likes the story, it is thoroughly entertaining. I haven't read a non-compulsory book since like... middle school, so reading 3 in the space of a couple of weeks is kind of impressive.

I sit down on the window seat with the book, the soft rain pattering on the window beside me. I only have around 50 pages left of the book, which I can probably polish off in about an hour. The perfect distraction.

I stay curled up in the corner as I read the book, and I must say, it is quite emotional. For the first time in a while, I find myself actually connecting with the characters. For example, Conrad feels torn, as he can't seem to let Belly go, although he's had so much time to do the right thing for her. A tear comes to my eye as I read on, which I quickly wipe away. How is a book making me feel so... impacted? Connected?

I find myself turning the pages in anticipation, until it's all over. No more words line the worn pages, and for some reason I feel this sudden emptiness in my chest. The characters individual story's play through my mind, whether they be tragic or fulfilling. My mind floats from the book to Lera suddenly, as I make a connection in the mind.

I finally know what I need to tell her.

I finally know what I need to tell her

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Sorry, bit of a shorter chapter for today, beginning to tie up some loose ends.

I hope you enjoyed this part, and make sure you stay tuned for the next one!

love you all, em xx

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