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Hello, now look who decided to write a book 2 of Sky Prince >:). Yes, I did miss the story so that's why. I hope you guys still enjoy this new story of Sky Prince.

The Past

Felix sat down on his chair in the void. His plans are getting into place. The way he wanted to sabotage the life of the Sky Prince, oh it's making him excited. He already knew what would happen, it's not like he's dumb.

He knows the queen will banish Seonghwa. He knows what will Seonghwa's scheme of survival would be.

Ever since Felix was banished to the void, he became angrier and unstoppable. He didn't know why but he still feels guilty on betraying his very own friend.

Felix is a fallen angel. Maybe it's his destiny to become such evil.

The way he wanted to learn dark magic corrupted him. It destroyed him. But there's still good in him. The good side that he didn't know already existed somewhere. As long as that good side is living, Felix is not pure evil.

He somehow envies the prince for his fame. He wanted attention too. Felix thinks being beside Seonghwa overshadowed him that's why they barely notice the silver-haired guy.

Felix's past is also very abrupt. He just woke up in a middle of nowhere. He has black and white wings which is odd. When he appeared, he saw his reflection in a mirror. He has natural blonde hair and freckles that complimented his skin. His lips are plump and slightly red.

When he woke up, he's bare. He noticed his body, perfectly built. But then, he also saw some black veins near his abdomen. He doesn't know what it is and why he got it. He doesn't know everything.

Then, in the middle of nowhere, a vision was projected. Felix suddenly felt his purpose. He knew he's gonna be a good friend and at the same time, he knew he's gonna be a traitor.

He suddenly developed feelings. It's like he was getting built like a character in a game. It was different. The hunger for power and darkness has more percentage than friendliness and kindness.

Then, he also developed random memories and knowledge. Felix saw a vision of a kingdom. He saw a magician and a queen being inlove and afterwards, a prince was born. The magician died. The prince grew up to be so selfish and ill-mannered.

This made Felix's feelings mad. He watched the vision and saw the prince being mean towards the others. Something urge him to go to that kingdom and do something about it. He already had a plan.

Suddenly, his appearance changed. His hair turned silver and his black veins became more prominent. His wings suddenly separated. The white wing turned into a mist and it went somewhere as well as the black wing. Felix doesn't have any idea about it but he felt somehow balanced this time.

" Felix, you're a fallen angel. You're not balanced. You're meant to be fixed. You're such a pitiful creature. Your wings, they have to fight. The white wing represents your good side and the black one is the bad side. You have to be friends with the Sky Prince, he's meant to fix you although he doesn't have any idea of what you are. It's his journey. It will be hard for you, Felix because this prince has been gaining a lot of attention and ill-attitude. It's up to you, the way you will act around him will also affect the life of your separated wings. You have to be patient. Goodluck, Felix".

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