21. In sickness and health

Depuis le début

They sat in the shade on their balcony looking out over the sensational view and tried to enjoy the small things in life like a good Chianti and room service.

A few weeks later the antibiotics stopped working, Maya had doctors flown in from Schweitz, Britain and she even flew in a medical team from the States, but nobody knew what was wrong. She was starting to fear that there was something very wrong with him, but forced the thought back since it was too hard to deal with.

Over the weeks that passed, Arnaud's health quickly deteriated and they had to get back to Paris and check him into the hospital. The doctors did what they could to figure out what was wrong. They put him on different antibiotics and he got better temporarily, but then he slowly got the fatigue back.

After a while they even tried cytostatica which made him so weak that it was horrific just to look at him.

This was my master; my big muscular Arnaud was now a weak old man.

"It is my punishment, little one," he sighed. "For corrupting you."

"Oh no! I have much worse punishments in store for you Arnaud."

"See, that's what I'm talking about!"

She slid up to him on the hospital bed. "If you'll just flip over, I can see if I can spank you until you get better," she whispered and slid her arm under his cover.

"See that's what I've done to the sweet little girl I met in Japan."

"You can do it again, let me just straddle you right here in the hospital," she whispered, refusing to accept that something was seriously wrong even if she knew. "A good orgasm will do you good."

"Yeah, that's what I said when you got seasick, remember?"

Maya snickered and did her best to cheer him up with tender loving care. They've have had sex many times in a room full of people; here in the hospital they had a room to themselves.

Even if the release did put a smile on his face, it wasn't nearly as satisfying as it had been.

He was still my Arnaud and I loved him deeply.

"Don't look so sad, my little one." He patted her cheek. "I told you a long time ago that I've had other subs before you and that you will have others after me." The strain was hard on him.

"But sir..."

"Arnaud, my name is Arnaud. You know that Mayako..." He was speaking slowly but the ironwill of the Master was clearly detected.

"Yes, Arnaud."

"See, that wasn't so hard..." A weak smile lit up his eyes. "Now kiss me!"

Maya reached up to him and kissed his lips softly. One hand snaked up into her hair and the grip on her neck was unbelievable strong as he clasped it and deepened the kiss until she gasped for air.


A smile curved his lips. "That's more like it."

"You wicked old man..." she teased.

"I am not old, little girl!" He pouted. "But I need my rest, so stop bothering me." He closed his eyes while the corners of his lips curled upwards.

"I won't."

"Go make me some more money," he mumbled.

"I will! Sleep tight Arnaud," she whispered and left him there.

Money can't buy you happiness, but they sure could buy medical care and Maya had constantly different doctors flown in. Her work started to focus on different medicinal centres and what they could do for Arnaud.

She had basically moved into the hospital and only left for work to return a couple of hours later. Once in a while Arnaud forced her to get home for a good nights sleep, but she only ended up tossing and turning.

Some of the days he was better but some were worse and he couldn't keep his mood up. This was not looking good and Maya started to panic.

"Remember, if you ever need anything, go to Jayden, he's the guy who bought The Club." Arnaud was getting weaker and Maya did her best to be strong for him. "Jayden Sanford," he mumbled.

"Yes sir I will."

He opened one of his eyes for a stern look.

"Yes Arnaud..." She smiled at him. "Now rest so I can savage you later."

"Promises, promises..." he mumbled with his eyes already closed.

"Good night Arnaud," she mumbled soft and turned to walk away.

"Hey!" She turned due to the surprisingly strong voice. "Where's my goodbye-kiss?"

"It's coming right up, my love." She returned to his bed and sat back down beside him.

"Love? You're not going soft on me now, my powerful Domina?"

She placed a soft kiss on his lips. "Arnaud; you know that I have loved you from day one." She stroked his cheek. He smelled sickly sweet of oxygen. "And I will love you until my dying day."

"That's a long time, ma petite," he mumbled.

* * *

A couple of days later he called her when she was at work. "I want you to come to the hospital, ma petite."

"Of course, let me just grab a..."

"Bring our passports."

"What? Why passports?"

"Haven't I taught you not to question me, my little one?"

"You have taught me to love, Arnaud. But now I must hurry to see you."

Maya threw the passports that he had asked for, a magazine and sweets for him. He was a sucker for chocolate and she remembered a time when he had melted chocolate and drizzled it on her, just to lick off every square centimetre. Melted chocolate was more fun to play with than wax.

There was a man standing by Arnaud's bed when she got there. It wasn't a doctor, it was a priest. Maya knew it was bad, but not like this. She wasn't ready.

"Maya." Arnaud's face lit up.

She walked around the bed and sat on his side. "Hi love." She kissed his forehead. "You've got a visitor..."

"Yes." He took her hand. "Do you remember that I said I could never be the husband you deserve..."

"Arnaud, please!" Tears welled up in her eyes and emotions threatened to choke her. "You're my everything, you know that," she whispered.

"Maya, I want to marry you."


"I can't do much, but I want to provide for your future." He was breathless from the speech and had to rest his head back and pull deep of the oxygen. "I'm going to die..."

Tears flowed freely by now. He had said the words they both knew but had refused to acknowledge. "I know baby... I'll be fine..." It was her job to be the strong one when he couldn't.

"Maya, will you marry me?"

"Are you serious?"

"Why do you think I've called for a priest?"

"Yeah I was going to ask you about that."

Arnaud smiled.

That was how they happened to get married on a rainy Tuesday summer in a boring hospital room. There were no wedding dress, no fancy suit, no guests or flower arrangements; just Arnaud, Maya and a priest. Their wedding night was not the romantic getaway one might dream of, but they had already experienced more than most people knew.

The only thing I missed was a ring.

* * *

Two days later Arnaud died.


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