18. For better and worse

Start from the beginning

He of course noted her reaction. "I suggest you lock the door if you don't want anyone to walk in while I am eight inches deep inside you." He sounded mad. Maya's inner clenched as she hurried to the door and discretely turned the lock. What had she done?

"Here, now!" he commanded and those short barks were as always an instant turn on as she has already mentioned. She hurried over to his desk where he had motioned and was brusquely bent over the desk with her bum in the air. Her skirt was already lifted by and she shivered in anticipation. "Why aren't you focused on your work?" he barked, while using his scissor to rid her of her knickers. "You can't even tell me what you're thinking of."

"I'm thinking of your dick," Maya growled.

"Really?" He sounded surprised, as if he had thought her mind was somewhere else and that was in fact what he had feared. "What about it?"

"Where I want it..."

"And where is that?"

"Inside me, sir."

His anger due to the fear that she wanted someone else subsided. "Here?" He was rubbing his stiff member all over her sensitive areas. "Or here?" He closed in on her back entrance.

She just moaned. "No, not there."

A swat on her behind made her flinch and arch her butt in the air and she turned back to see him pull a condom on. "Here then?" He softly plunged inside her tight core and she moaned "Yes," in delight. He filled her up and managed to hit that slightly abrasive area inside that made her defences vanish. "Yes."

"Who are you?"

"I am yours," she moaned.

"Will you look at anyone else?"

"Only the ones you tell me to." She tried to stay in the conversation, but his thrusts made it very hard.

"Now still!" he ordered and she squirmed under him. "Still!" Another swat landed on her bum before she felt a finger massaging at the entrance she had said no about. She could feel him jerk inside her as he lubricated the area. "Relax," he said as if she was able to respond that easy and then a short sharp pain flowed through her and she was filled even there. He grunted and then started the thrusts again. This time she could feel the pounds even in her behind and it was impossible to keep the orgasm at bay. She bit her arm to not alert the entire office as she grunted in bliss.

A few thrusts later even he tipped over and emptied himself inside her. "Oh my god, Maya! I can't think straight when you make such noises," he whispered against her neck. "You were sitting there moaning and I didn't know what you're thinking."

"You, it's always you," she breathed out. "Always."

"I'm sorry ma petite," he mumbled and kissed Maya's neck over and over again. "But you are mine!"

"Yes." Tears pooled in her eyes from the emotional strain had been under.

He withdrew from her but as she was about to get up, the strange fullness was still there. She froze.

"You will keep the plug in there to remind you that you are mine." His words were harsh even if his tone of voice was soft. "Now, go wash up." With a soft swat on her bum he sent her to the private bathroom where she could wash up. Her rear kept clenching and unclenching around the intrusion. It wasn't really painful, but it was definitely worse than the little jewellery Arnaud had made her wear both to work and to the club. Maya cursed him for destroying another pair of knickers and was determined not to show him her irritation. Carefully she cleaned up and went back to her desk, while ignoring the guarded look from Arnaud that threatened to burn a hole in her.

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