Violet caught her breath as she rounded the corner back into Diagon Alley. A tall, sick looking man approached her softly. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yes sir, I'm sorry someone startled me." Violet felt foolish for wandering down such a dark street to begin with, and more foolish for allowing the man to scare her so much.

"Ah, an American. That's Knocturn Alley, and it's no place for an unaccompanied girl. You haven't been hexed?"

"No sir. Just startled." Violet looked about the alley and saw the man leaving the shop "There, he chased me from a shop"

The man laughed. "Of course he did. That is Alastor Moody, one of the nation's best Aurors. I'm sure he meant you no harm. Merely shocked to find such a young girl alone in that branch of Mulpepper's. There's another up the street if you're seeking supplies for potions class. They're more like to have what you'll need anyway, and less that you won't"

"Thank you sir, have a good day." Violet turned and walked back into Mulpepper's to wait for the man to leave, he walked calmly down Knocturn and turned into the very shop she had just left.''

She entered a sweets shop to buy a bag of almonds supposedly roasted by a small dragon, and wandered around the streets. She stopped to breathe in the smell of fresh baked waffle cones in one shop. Then stopped to look around a pet shop, the Magical Menagerie. Violet had been wanting a pet for a while, but her father didn't like cats, or want a toad or rat in the house, and Violet found the owls somewhat creepy. She wandered back out of the shop and down to Madam Primpenella's Beautifying Potions. Looking around at the strange concoctions Violet decided she preferred muggle makeup. But she did buy a small tube of a pimple vanishing solution. She also stopped to look at serums for her hair, but they all boasted the ability to straighten even the most stubborn curls. She shook her head at a brown-haired girl about her age staring longingly at a glass vial with the moving image of a straight haired girl dancing and running her hands through her hair. "You have lovely hair, try using something with Argan Oil to deal with the frizz, it works well for me." The girl smiled, but Violet still saw her buying the larger vial with her mother after she purchased the solution.

She stepped into the next street and decided to enjoy a cup of coffee at Rosalee's Tea Bag before heading into Flourish and Botts to look at books. Violet had decided that she would be bored at Hogwarts if they didn't listen to Headmaster Fontaine and started looking for books that were more her level, two years ahead of standard Hogwarts Curriculum. She selected and paid for a few, before heading back to the Leaky Cauldron and hailing a cab to take her back to the townhouse she and her father had moved into earlier that week.

Hogwarts Express September 1st

Violet stared warily at the brick wall in front of her. She had seen a boy with an owl on his cart walk through it a moment ago, but looked at her father nervously, unsure if he would be able to follow. She watched another group go through before asking a red-haired woman with a big family if No-Maj's could get through.

"No-Maj?" The woman seemed confused. Violet bit her lip.

"You know, folks without magic?" The woman smiled.

"Is that what they call muggles in America then? I'll have to tell Arthur. Arthur come here." Her tall husband walked over and greeted her. "Arthur, this young lady is muggle born. Did you know they call Muggles No-Maj in America?" He beamed at her.

"I did not! Brilliant. Perfectly Brilliant. How interesting." Violet tried not to look confused by his excitement but must have failed. "I'm in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts department at the Ministry." Violet smiled and nodded

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