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WARNING: It follows the events of the manga (post-z=209), if you only watched the anime I do not recommend reading it 😅 unless possible spoilers don't bother you. 


Gen's first and last attempt to convince Senku to stay.


I don't know what to do with this idea anymore, so...


"Please don't go," Gen's voice was soft as he kissed him, his arms around his neck keeping him closer than they have ever been.

It had taken him by surprise at first, but then again, taking everything into account, he knew it shouldn't.

Deep down there was a part of him that was even expecting it.

"There's no other way," Senku said between the kisses, trying hard not to melt into them and the warmness that was quickly spreading inside his chest as he felt Gen's skin against his.

"There must be at least 10 bilion other ways," was Gen's reply, making him almost chuckle. He always loved hearing Gen use his phrase.

"Maybe, but not with the resources we have," a sad reality that Gen knew quite well.

When Senku first announced his plan, he had kept his opinion to himself and gone along with it, hoping that eventually another alternative would come along.

Except it never did.

Tomorrow... tomorrow would be the last time he would see him.

For years... for decades... for centuries...

Maybe that was why he got a little bit desperate and decided to shorten the distance between them, breaking the silent agreement they had going on for years.

What was the point of waiting for humanity to be restored if they weren't going to be together when it did?

If they were going to be together ever again.

Still, they were both also aware that this was hardly a farewell.

Even after all these years of loyalty towards the Kingdom of Science, towards Senku's science and specially Senku himself, Gen was still the same liar and manipulator he always had been.

No one would have it any other way. After all, it was what had saved their lives countless times.

However, this time it was different.

The mentalist wasn't doing this for humanity, their friends nor even Senku... This was, for the most part at least, for himself.

He was smart. He knew that at this point there was no way he could reason with Senku so that they would stay, so that he would stay.

So he turned something that was supposed to be special into a bittersweet experience, every kiss and every caress being a silent plea for Senku to stop and reconsider.

It was equally selfish and desperate.

However, he wouldn't find it in himself to regret it the next morning. No. The only thing he would feel would be the pain of knowing that even that wasn't enough to stop him.

Not even the bed had been able to retain some of Senku's warmth for when he woke up alone in it.


Thank you for reading! Please, don't hesitate to let me know what you think! 😊

You can also reach me on Tumblr, Twitter Instagram as @fieryjeanne

Have a great day! ✨

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