Just Five Minutes of your Time

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Khushi woke up to find herself alone in their room. It wasn't surprising that he left her without a word after last night but she was concerned about him.

In truth she felt a bit guilty as well for never telling him about Shyam deception. At that time it felt like a good reason to hide it for the sake of Anjali di happiness but now she is not sure anymore.

Would he have believed her if she told him when she found out?. She had no idea but keeping it as a secret ensured he didn't trust her now. And Khushi had made her sister keep it as a secret from her husband as well, which was the reason she went to her sister's room next.

When her sister opened the door with eyes that indicated that she had been crying. Khushi feared the worst as she walked inside the room, and was relieved when her sister spoke up at the sight of her panicked face.

"Nahi Khushi, it nothing like you imagine it to be. Akashji was upset for sure but we are fine. He just called me now to tell me to reassure you that he will speak with Arnavji on our behalf and make him understand it wasn't your fault. He is in our side Khushi " Payal di spoke up and only then Khushi found herself relaxing a bit.

"But you were crying di?" Khushi asked her sister worried that she might be keeping something from her to protect her.

"Because he was hurt that I felt like I couldn't share it with him. He was my husband Khushi, Someone I married with an vow to share evey ups and downs of life and hiding from him the truth when it is about his family was not fair and I failed to realized that, in a way I thought it was over when you got married to Arnavji .

Foolishly I hoped that would be the end of it and all of us can find our happiness in our marriage life now including Anjali di. But if such a secret that is not directly related to me and Akashji can cause this much heartbreak, how much more would it affect Anjali di and yet we kept it a secret from her. " Payal di spoke up making Khushi realize yet again that while her plan to keep it as a secret came out of good intent, it was still not her choice to decide what is best for someone else.

" I know di, and while I am glad you and Akash jiju are fine. I don't want him to talk with Arnavji on my behalf. Our marriage might not be real, but I would like to tell him the truth one more time and sort of the differences on my own." Khushi responded back and left after assuring her sister that everything will be fine once she talked with her husband.

Khushi should have talked with him last night instead of holding on to the silence but she had been too overwrought that she held on to her silence instead of confronting the truth. But she wasn't going to hide anymore, with her mind made up, she walked into the dining room and found the family was assembled for breakfast.

"Aww Khushiji, you are here finally. Come and let us eat together. Chote just called from the Airport and said the flight got delayed due to weather. He could have had breakfast and left " Anjali di was talking but Khushi couldn't hear anything past the word flight and left.

Khushi was not hungry, she only came to the dining room in hopes that maybe her husband didn't leave for office yet. Most days if there was no important meetings, Anjali di would manage to delay him from leaving early to eat breakfast with the family and she had been hoping for one such miracle but instead she realized he is not just leaving for work but out of the country.

" Airport!!!!?" Khushi let out that single word stunned in shock and the understanding that passed in Anjali di face made Khushi want to pretend she always known of her husband's plan but it was too late.

"Khushi betiya, didn't Arnav tell you about his plans ?" Nani asked next making Khushi admit to the truth that she was unaware of it .

"Don't be mad Khushiji. Today is a very hard day for Chote and us that he always spends it away from home because it brings him too much memories of her parents. You see it their death Anniversary and Chote always spends it out of the country but he will be back tomorrow. You can scold him all you like then and I will join you, but don't be mad at him today" Anjali di spoke up in her brother's defense.

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