Chapter One

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     She drew in a sucked breath, fascinated by the beauty of the school after her father had pulled up in front of the gate.
     The walls of the school had been painted blue and planted in front of them were purple bougainvilleas. The median strip had been carpet-grassed and on it was a huge carved logo of the school.
    The car purred forward, following the first curve of the gravel driveway and she turned to look out through the window at the oaks which had been planted along the driveway and which made an amazing sight.
    Her father brought the car to a halt in front of a huge two storey building which had the logo of the school engraved on the pediment  of the portico and Davina turned to look at the new school she'd soon be familiar with.
    ' Thanks for driving me to school, Mr Anderson.' Camille, her neighbor said and her father smiled over her. 'You're welcome, dear.' Nathan turned to look at at his daughter. 'So how's it? You like it?' He asked and she nodded.
He turned to look back at Camille. 'Don't forget to show her around and help her settle down since she's new.' 'Yeah.' Camille replied. 'I'll be leaving then, dad.' She said and leaned over to peck him. 'Okay, sweetie. Be sure to take care of yourself.' He said. 'I will.'
    The girls alighted and her father drove off before they turned to walk into the school.
    A gasp escaped Davina's lips on entering the ground floor which was well marbled and on the center of the floor was engraved Empire High. The ceiling was mainly plastered with the plaster of Paris which was rarely found in high schools, including her previous school.
    The lockers were well positioned and spaced out in groups of five. And she'd thought she'd seen lots of beautiful high schools. Clearly, the school was worth being the top school in Miami.
    "It's beautiful, isn't it? Told you our school is simply breathtaking." Camille said and she turned to face her. "It's more beautiful than I thought it would be. It's really nice and huge." She smiled.
    "Yeah...I almost got lost when I first transferred here after my parents' divorce." "You did?" She asked. "When I was in ninth grade. Fortunately, I seized the opportunity to explore the school and then I got to know every nook and cranny of Empire High." She said and Davina smirked. "You're crazy."
   "Crazy is as crazy does, darl." "I could definitely need help in touring this place too." She said and turned to look at Camille. "Are you busy today?" "Um...not really." Camille replied. "Then do you mind being my tourist?" "Sure"."Thanks" She said
    "I've got to applaud your toughness, by the way" Camille said as they started up the stairs "Toughness?" "Not everyone can stand attending an all-girls high school...including me." Camille said and Davina turned to look at her.
    "Why did you say so?" "A school without guys...I can't just imagine myself attending such a school. It's just like... being condemned to live in a nunnery." She said and Davina laughed. "St. Catherine isn't that bad, Camille and it was incredibly cool attending an all-girl school." Camille pouted and she smiled, pleased at how much she likes her.
    "Oh! It  skipped my mind to ask. What class were you placed in?" Camille asked. " Arts 11A" Davina replied. "11A?" Camille almost screamed and Davina turned to look at her, confirming she'd heard right.
    "Yeah,what's wrong?" Davina asked."OMG, you... you were actually placed in 11A?" Camille babbled."What about it?" "You sure got skills, girl. Transfer student never get into the A-Class." Camille said " The A-Class?"
    They arrived the second floor and Camille explained. "In Empire High, there is a system of ranking students,according to their intelligence quotient and this ranking cuts across every grade in school." "Including the junior high?" Davina asked.
    Camille nodded. "The A-class is for the exceptional and super duper brainy ones with a very high IQ. The B-class,which is my class, are for students who are just who have a just and ordinary IQ. They are below the exceptional student and the C-class is for average students with IQ lower than those of the B-class." "Whoa... that's interesting development under her breath.
    They arrived at Davina's class and from where she stood, Davina could see a female teacher in the class. She suddenly became nervous and Camille was quick to notice it. "Come on, go in. They won't bite." She teased and Davina smiled nervously.
     As if her presence has been sensed, the teacher turned to look at her. "You must be the newly transferred student, am I right?" She asked and Davina  nodded. " Do come in." Camille took a hold of her and give her a propelling push into the class.
    "Hello, miss." Davina said,with a slight bow, the way girls were taught to greet at St. Catherine. "Hi dear." The teacher replied with a smile and from the corner of her eyes, Davina saw a few students whispering and nudging each other.
    She guessed it was because they'd never guessed or imagined that a new student would break the record by getting into the A-class directly. Well, that wasn't any fault of hers, was it?
    "....Everyone's been awaiting your arrival" The teacher was saying. "....and would like to know you since you are already here.... so can you introduce yourself to us?" Davina exhaled and turned to face the class. "Hello everyone, I'm Davina Anderson. It's nice to meet you all." she said breezily, scanning the faces of her new classmates
     "It's nice to meet you too, Davina. I'm Miss Smith,the class teacher and English teacher for Arts11A." Miss Smith said and pointed to an empty seat in the class. "You can have your seat there, Davina" "Thank you"
     The thought of Camille still being at the entrance,struck her mind and she turned to look and a sigh escaped her lips when she discovered Camille had left.
She turned to walk to her allocated seat and she dropped her bag by the foot of the table before she sat down.
      "Okay everyone, we will begin our class for today..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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