Chapter 7

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What was that all about? One minute she's having a nightmare, and the next she's a composed woman who looks as if she didn't carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. Hunter walked back to the living room. Females were complicated.

So were his feelings.

He liked her, but wasn't sure if she liked him back. She let him sleep on her couch, but she didn't want him to kiss her. He'd wanted to kiss her since the minute he laid eyes on her. She didn't know he had been falling for her since before they'd officially met. Since then, it had been over a year and his feelings had grown to a point he didn't know what to do with. There was something about her that drew him to her like a magnet.

And Cole sure had turned his views around. He got the third degree from him. Cole had said that if he ever laid a hand on Grace and she wasn't comfortable, he would see personally that his jaw would not be comfortable ever again. He also told him that Grace has nightmares almost every night, but doesn't tell anyone. She is really good at coping with them and they usually don't bother her, but sometimes she freaks out.

Like tonight.

His heart was still thundering from when he heard the panting, shouting, and screaming from earlier. He thought for sure that Grace was dead.

An hour later, Grace still hadn't shown her face. But he wasn't about to invade her privacy. He really didn't want Cole to punch him. He'd seen other guys get the brunt end of it before.

It wasn't pretty.

His phone rang and he didn't recognize the number. "Hunter Grant."

"Hi Hunter, this is Dominic."

Dominic? "Hi Dominic."

"Where are you at right now?"


A slight pause, "Um..."

He was glad no one was around to see his face flush, "I mean Grace is in the shower...I'm on the couch-I have been all night...she was alone-"

Dominic chuckled, "I understand. Don't worry about it. Honestly, I'm surprised you're already awake."

He sighed, "Yeah, well Grace had a nightmare."

"Oh no. Was it bad? Should I come over?" Dominic sounded worried.

"You can if you want, but she's fine now. I um, well...I helped her calm down."

"Okay thanks. I don't think I'll have time anyways. Chloe and I have a breakfast date. She wants to plan our wedding."

"Congrats man. I bet she's excited." For a split second, he imagined doing the same with Grace, but then kicked himself.

"Yeah, she is. She wants a vintage theme." He paused, "Whatever that means."

Hunter laughed.

"Who are you talking to?" Grace appeared in the living room, all dressed and ready for work. Looking beautiful as ever.

"Hang on a sec." He told Dominic. Then he turned to Grace, "Your brother."

Her eyes widened. "Oh."

"Here." He handed her the phone.



"Grace? Is that you?" Dominic's voice filled the line.


"Are you okay? How do you feel? Do you want me to come by?"


"Chloe can wait. I mean, you're my sister. She'll understand. I can bring breakfast."


"Or you can come by my place and relax. I know you had a stressful night. And day for that matter-"

"Dominic!" She raised her voice and Hunter hiked a brow.

Dominic finally stopped, "What?"

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me. Hunter's here."

"Oh? Sorry."

She sighed, "No, I'm sorry. Listen, I have some things to do okay?"

"Yeah. Okay. Be careful." He added.

"Of course."

"Love you."

"Love you too."


Hunter took the phone back from Grace. "It's me again." he told Dominic.

"Okay. Well I got to go."

"Have fun with your fiancé."

"Thanks. And Hunter?"


"Take good care of her for me. Okay?"

He eyed Grace and she furrowed her eyebrows at him, "I will."


Grace put her hands on her hips, "What was that all about?"

He pocketed the phone, "What was what all about?"

She rolled her eyes, "I know you were talking about me."

He played innocent. "I have no idea what you are talking about." He pointed to the coffee pot, "Want some?"

She nodded, "Yes please."

"Okay. Then we go to the office to talk with Marie."

"Sounds good." The look on her face said something else.

"What's wrong?"


"No it's not nothing. You've got that look."

She glared at him, "What look?"

He grinned, "That cute look you get when you're angry and confused at the same time."

She punched him, "Shut your mouth. I do not have a look. And I am not cute."

"Are too." He rubbed the spot where she punched his arm slightly.

She aimed another punch, but he caught her hand and smiled, "I'm a cop too you know."

She stuck her tongue out at him. "Whatever. Just don't say I'm cute again."

"I was taught not to tell lies."

Her eyes were filled with so much malice that he had to laugh. She didn't join in. She was distracted by her phone.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Katie's alive. Nicole said that she is recovering from surgery. The bullet barely missed her heart."

He sent up a prayer of thanks. "That's wonderful."

She nodded and peered around the kitchen, "So where's my coffee?"

He laughed again and handed it to her. He knew that she had gotten out of telling him

about what her look was all about, but he'd have to ask her another time. 

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