Chapter 1

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Emptiness is all you felt in this world. The darkness felt like it crept up on you at every corner you turned. Every time you thought someone was going to pull you out of this hell like life it just ended in disappointment. If it wasn't for the thought of seeing your little brother one more time you would have ended all this suffering by now.

You wanted to see him again but you knew he probably wouldn't have remembered you. You were thrown out by his father at the age of 10 and at that time he was only 1. It has already been 7 years since that day, you couldn't blame him if he didn't remember you.


You woke up for school. It was a very gloomy day. (it was cloudy and looked like it was going to rain but wasn't raining yet) As you were getting your uniform on you were listening to the shouting of you neighbours. You thought of it as a puzzle of trying to figure out what they were fighting about today. It was a way to kill time when you were bored. But sadly they were getting a divorce so your entertainment was about to come to an end.

You finished getting ready and grabbed your school bag to walk to school. Today you decided to take the long way to school so you could walk by the orphanage. you enjoyed seeing children playing it reminded you of little Izana running around the house or chasing the dog. Even though that life was gone it still felt nostalgic and happy when you thought back to those good moments.

As you were walking past the orphanage a little boy with  white hair caught you attention he was building a sand castle with another little boy with black hair. You couldn't get a good look at them because they were pretty far from the path you were walking on but the little boy's hair looked just like your little brothers. It felt reminiscent seeing the boy as you continued your walk to work.(you dropped out of school because you need financially support yourself)

You worked at a small cafe. It has a very warm atmosphere and really cared about there worker which is why you chose to work there and not somewhere else. Your job was simple you were just a waitress but at it paid good and you always had a good flow of customers. But today you were very out of it and couldn't seem to shake the thought of you little brother out of your head. Your fellow workers seemed to take notice as one of your work friends came up to you.

"Hey are you feeling okay" she said

"Yes I just have a lot on my mind" you said trying to not make her concerned.

"You know you can talk to me if something is bothering you"

"No I'm alright thank you though"

She still looked worried as she continued working .


After work you could stop thinking about that little boy so you decide to walk by the orphanage again on your way home. You felt uneasy as you walked past it for some reason though maybe it was just because you didn't want to get your hopes up.

As you walked passed the orphanage you didn't see the white haired boy. You then decided to stay for a while and go to the park next to the orphanage and sit on a park bench to see if you could some how see the little boy again.

Minute's turned into hours and there was still nothing so you decided to go home. Just as you started back home felt someone run into causing you both to fall. You turned around to see who it was.

Your eyes widened when you saw the white haired boy up close. ' could it be Izana' you though. As the doth of you looked at each other.

Authors note 📝

Hehe hope you liked the first chapter 😁

Left y'all on a cliff hanger so you will have to read the next chapter 💀

Izana's sister ( Tokyo Revengers)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora