"Lisayah" I called and wiped my tears.

"Lili, where are you?" I cried and then sat on the ground.

"Lili" I sniffed.


I heard a voice calling me and I immediately stood up.

"Jennie! Where are you?!"

"I'm right here!" I shouted back.

I can hear footsteps coming near me and I finally saw Lisa with Mr Park Seo Jeon.

"There you are. What are you doing here?" He asked and Lisa approached me.

"I'm sorry" I apologized and hugged myself.

"It's okay, sir. I got this" Lisa said and look at me.

He nodded and walked away and I just run towards Lisa and hugged her.

"Lili, I'm scared. I thought I'm lost"

"Why did you stop? You know it's dangerous here"

"Sorry. I got tired"

She patted my head before talking my bag.

"You walk ahead. I'll walk behind you" she said and wore my bag in front of her chest.

I only nod and followed where our teacher had gone.

I finally saw all of them waiting for me. My friends got worried and Sana felt guilty but I assured them I'm fine.

"Okay, let's continue. And please stay on the trail" I heard me Dara said and everyone agreed.

I look back at Lisa and she gestured me to continue walking.
I only nod and followed Sana since she's the one in front of me.

We managed to arrived at the place and we rested on the big rocks and logs on the side.
Lisa approached me and gave me the bag.

I smiled at her and took the bottled water before drinking it.

I noticed she's still looking at me and was sweating hard.

"Did you bring a towel?" I asked her but she shook her head.

I gave her the bottle so she could drink on it and I took the towel inside my bag so I could wipe her sweat.

"Why didn't you bring any? You'll get sick because of this" I said in a low tone as I wipe her face and neck.

"Sorry" she apologized and just watch me as I wipe her sweat.

We heard Mr Park called her so she gave me the bottle and thanked me before walking away.

I placed the bottle and the towel inside my bag and walked towards my friends. I froze on the spot when I saw them looking at me with mouth open.

"What?" I asked and walked towards them.

"Did you just share your bottle with Lisa? And did you just wiped her sweat!?" Tzuyu asked and touched my shoulders.

Oh shit. I forgot we're not alone.

"Uhmm I-I guess?"

"What the heck is that?!" She couldn't believe what she saw.

I didn't know what to say so I just shrugged my shoulders.
We heard Ms Dara called us to gather around so we followed them.

Mr Gong Yo started explaining about the place and how we should plant the seeds. They will give it to us tomorrow.

I couldn't help but smile as I look at the wide land in front of me.
I inhaled the fresh air and happily followed them around.

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