Chapter 1: The Raadshani

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"Pick up your shit, the Raadshani are coming soon. Clean everything up." He'd bark orders at me in English, my head hanging low in a mixture of shame and being frightened. My father was a scary man, he could make anyone tremble if he wanted to.

My mother silently hung up an ankle long red dress with sleeves covering to my wrists on the divider separating the dresser and the living room. My feet quickly shuffled to the other side of the divider while my father started cursing at me and mother in Uuad. I slipped into the dress which crushed my ribs together and made my waist look extremely tiny, yet flowed onto the floor. Mother had paired it with traditional red shoes which I put on before she came to do my makeup.

Mother used white powder to make my skin fairer and tainted my lips with a paste she created of a red flower and oil. She smiled when she saw my "final product." I never felt like I was worthy of anything to my parents, nor did they ever make me feel like I was, but today I was doing them a favor.

Today I made them one of the wealthier families in our village. Today I became a woman at 17 and set them for life. They were set for life at my expense. The expense of their daughter's happiness. Her health, her mental state, everything. They never cared. And today specifically proved it.

In our village, the girl's Coming-of-Age ceremonies are celebrated at 17, allowing them to marry at that age. If their families choose, they may be married off after 17, but is not ideal. For me, however, I've had this marriage planned for years prior to my ceremony by my family. A ceremony I only celebrated a week ago, yet here I am, meeting my future husband for the first time. Before a proper wedding ceremony, it is customary to have a feast with both families and the future husband and wife.

Saying I was nervous was a complete understatement, I was two seconds away from a serious heart attack. I didn't even know his name, but I knew they were rich. They owned many acres of land, a farm, and multiple residences. One of which would be for me and my new husband. It's all my parents would talk about. "Oh, but imagine the life you'll live! Don't you want your parents to be happy? Don't be so selfish, you dumb girl." I could go on and on, and I wish I couldn't.

My mother rolled my hair into a loose bun with a matching red brochette in my hair with loose strands falling on the side of my face. I looked at myself in a small, cracked mirror we had here while I got ready and smiled to myself. For the first time in my life, I felt pretty. I just hope he thinks the same, for if not I bring shame to my family.

My father looked at me indifferently, he said I looked okay and he just hoped I was "good enough" for the Raadshani man. His words are always like a blow to my heart and yet he never cares. But for today I felt pretty, I felt nice, I was going to be seen.

We prepared a whole dining area for the Raadshani family, a very long table close to the ground as we ate kneeled. It showed a sign of respect to our gods as we ate. Me and the man would sit together at the head of the table, signifying our unity of families.

I must be already seated when they arrive, so father ordered me to sit. My mother finished setting up the food on the table and filling each glass with wine. This feast alone cost a fortune for my family; one they would continue to rub in my face for eternity if I don't make this right.


Soon after, there they were. The Raadshani. Olive-skinned rich gods and goddesses it seemed like. The majority were older relatives, but you could tell from miles away they were wealthy. My relatives from all over the villages were also present, rising to greet them. They all spoke in Uuad, our village's native language. Although the majority spoke both Uuad and English, it is customary to speak to elders in Uuad. English is seen as a "newer" thing for whatever reason.

I kept my head bowed, I felt ashamed. Like I was naked and they could all see right through my stupid dress and makeup. I wasn't some rich, poised, elegant woman. I was a fraud.

My eye caught the man who walked in last after his family. He towered over the rest of us, he was insanely tall. His skin was tanned olive with chestnut brown hair that flowed onto his face and dark brown eyes. His face was sculpted like a god, a chiseled square jawline and almond shaped eyes with high framed cheekbones.

Wow, he was gorgeous, and I was staring. Of course, I just had to be staring, and he noticed. Screw my bad luck. The man caught my gaze and smirked. Is that my future husband?

He was wearing a black button up shirt with black pants, the sleeves rolled up to his forearms. I had never been married before, or in the presence of a man in this situation, but he seemed a bit underdressed. He greeted my parents and grandparents quickly before sitting down beside me.

I was as nervous as could be. I hope this goes well.

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