It's Just Harmless Flirting, Right?

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Would it be fair to say you've crossed his mind more than once the past couple days? Oh certainly. It would probably be best if he avoids you as much as possible....
But he doesn't. He finds himself seeking you out intentionally and more frequently than he probably should. In fact, he's on his way to find you as we speak. Maybe he'll actually balls up enough to ask your first name for once, instead of the paltry conversations you've had up until now.

'It's a wonder she talks to me at all. I have to of made a complete idiot of myself by now', he thinks as he heads up the stairs to the wall. It's a brisk night and he pulls his cloak close to defend against the chill. Of course, you can keep each other warm, that is another possibility and the the idea fills him with excitement and a mild dose of fear. 

"Intimacy leads to commitment. Commitment leads to vulnerability. Stupid.", he mutters, at last reaching the top of the stairs. His heart slams forcefully in his chest.

"Intimacy leads to commitment...", he chants in his head, using this as a hopeful ward from his own feelings.

You're on watch right now, according to the soldier he just talked to at the gate. He hopes that you're alone, not really knowing why it matters. Only that maybe without an audience around you might be a little less difficult. Witnessing how you destroyed Oruo was enough to tell him all he needed to know on that score. Not to mention how aggressively flirty you are on the occasions he's talked to you since.

'She's got an attitude problem, that's plain to see. I have to admit though, I like it.'
He finds you immediately, leaning against the merlons and sipping a cup of tea. He can see that you're trembling, and causes you to jump when he puts his cloak over your shoulders.

"Can't handle the cold?" He asks

"Why do you want to snuggle with me?" You quip, turning to look out over the city.

"You're a bit of a smart ass aren't you?"

You nod. "Emphasis on the ass."

'And what a nice one it is.', he thinks, stealing a quick glance.

Rolling his eyes he continues. "I'd like you to consider reassigning to the scouts."

"Oh? And join you on one of your suicide missions?"

"Do you always talk like this to your superiors?"

"Having rank over me doesn't make you superior."

'Oh, I like this one.' He thinks, formulating his next response.
"Well my eyes are on you. You might be seeing a transfer soon regardless."

"JUST your eyes, Captain?"

"I'm only considering you for the super special squad at this point. Haven't decided if you've earned a spot on the naked squad yet. Sorry." He says with a smirk.

"Oh, well that's disappointing."

"I'm definitely not against it though. What's your name?"

"You already know that."

"Your first name please."

"My shift is over." Grinning, you begin to walk away, waving over your shoulder as you go.
He brushes past your relief, and moves to follow you.

"Aren't you going to return my cloak?"

The door closes behind you.

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