Gunn- “I’m going to take N’Fuse to present his exam”, I told my two friends who have now taken a little break and are sitting studying from the same book like two little angels who love each other.

Jan – “You are such a good person… Without your kind guidance around the faculty, the poor junior would not be able to find the place where has to take his exam”

Gunn – “Mmm”, I really hate the two people in front of me, they look at me with that kind of cunning that makes me feel ashamed. I pretend to be strong ignoring their stares and go to pick up the boy.

Right away, I found N’Fuse, he is wearing his uniform and waiting in front of the main door of the faculty.

Fuse- “Hello, what’s wrong? Why do you look so shabby?”, Fuse seemed surprised to see me, he asks me worriedly.

Gunn – “I’m fine, I’ve only slept little studying for the exams”, I lied

Fuse – “Oh! It must be because of that. Mmm… Your exam must be very difficult, it shows that you have slept very little and you have had to study a lot.”

Gunn – “It’s not that bad, let’s hurry, there are only fifteen minutes left.”

Fuse – “Okay, let’s go.”

The faculty is not very big, we walk a bit and arrive when there are still ten minutes left. N’Fuse takes the opportunity to speak to me.

Fuse – “What time do you finish your exam?”

Gunn – “Four’o’clock, but I can go as soon as I finish it.”

Fuse – “Really? We finished around the same time. If you don’t mind, I’d like us to have dinner together. Do you feel like it?”

Gunn – “Mmmm… sounds good”, I really have no objection to eating with the boy. I have not left the house for two days and if I read one more book, I will become a vegetable.

Fuse – “I am very happy that you are going to eat with me Phi, when I leave the exam, I will write to you.”

Gunn – “Okay, I’ll see you after the exam. I have to go now”

Fuse – “Okay, Good luck Phi”

Gunn – “See you later”

I said goodbye to the boy, there are five minutes left for my exam to begin. At the door where there are many companions waiting.

Jan – “What about the man you took to his exam? Are you hiding something from us?”

Gunn – “Jan, don’t joke about it.”

Jan – “I’m not kidding. Come on, they’ll open now.”

He Is My Sky (english translation)Where stories live. Discover now