Chapter 25 A Merry Christmas

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Your POV


*You feel something shifting in your hugging grasp then you sleepily open your eyes to see Cocoa sleeping expression and her lips were so close to you.But since you were too tired to feel shy or anything of the sort

*You hugged Cocoa closer to you and continued going back to sleep which didn't take too much time when you slept passed midnight


Cocoa's POV

*I just open my eyes and I notice some familiar
comfortable warmth was holding me but I only see... 0_0

(I forgot I slept with (Y/N) )

*I see (Y/N) holding me gently but I couldn't move away.I don't want him to wake up since he slept late.He looks cute when he sleeps and out of all the times to see him looking peaceful I'm trap in his arms


*I calm myself down when he wasn't awake yet.So I just decided to sleep some more until he decides to wake up


*My mind started to imagine on what could happen and I got worried Rei would check on me or (Y/N) since we normally wake up in the morning

(Maybe I should try to leave.Rei won't like how I'm in his room for no good reason)

*I slowly tried to shift backwards and I gently move (Y/N)'s arm off me then I managed to get off the bed.I stood up and I put my hood on then I see (Y/N) slowly sleepily opening his eyes


*I didn't know how I should respond to him so I just waved at him.He stares at me and he closes his eyes

"Morning"(Y/N) said in a quiet morning voice
*I went closer to the bed and I leaned towards (Y/N) to give him a little hug then he smiles and he sighs in a happy sounding way


*I stood up straight and I smiled at (Y/N) then I went to the the front door to leave his room

*I quietly closed his door and I quickly notice Rei closing his bedroom door while he was looking at me

(He saw me!!)

"I don't even want to ask"Rei said
*I quickly shook my head

"It's none of my business to know"Rei quickly said
*I quickly wrote on my notepad

"We only slept together"I wrote
"You slept together?!I thought you were checking on him!"Rei yelled in shock

*I flinched from Rei's sudden yelling then he slightly calms down but he still looks baffled and frustrated

"I'm the one who decided to sleep together in his room"I wrote

*Rei looks surprised then his frustration left his expression and didn't know what to say to me when he's just staring at me

"..It's none of my business if that's the case"Rei said in a calm tone

*Rei headed down the stairs and he enters the kitchen then I went on my way to cool off in the shower so Rei has time for himself


Your POV

*You open your eyes and notice Cocoa is gone

*You vaguely remembered she left you but it felt like a foggy dream.You spent several minutes to get yourself out of bed then you slowly made your way to the door to get something to drink

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