Chapter 6 Sentry Duty

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Your POV

*It was a brand new day

*You made breakfast with Cocoa while Asriel watches the both of you.It wasn't a special kind of breakfast, it was like any other normal kind, eggs and pancakes.Each made to all of your likings.Asriel talked about how Cocoa should start going back to work now that no special events are happening anytime soon

*So currently, in the moment, you were happily chatting with Cocoa about different kinds of games.From puzzles games to virtual games.Cocoa was mostly interested on virtual games and you kinda had a feeling she did since she could play it anywhere at anytime.If the she charges the batteries of course

*Cocoa even wrote about how Asriel gets mad for her playing virtual games too much.You didn't have a clue why but if Cocoa enjoys it to play it all the time then it must be entertaining or even fun

*You both arrived at Cocoa's sentry post near the Ruin doors.You chuckled for a moment and Cocoa looks at you and asked about what's funny.You talked about how so much happen when Cocoa found you and all the many near death experience and you're back here once again as Cocoa's subordinate

*Cocoa blushes and she writes on her notepad.Cocoa stops and stares what she wrote then her expression becomes almost sad and she quickly scribbles all over what she wrote.Cocoa puts her notepad in her pocket and she looks at you.Cocoa turns red and she looks around worriedly to try to make you forget what she did

(I don't know what you wrote but I don't want you to be so embarrassed when I don't know the reason)

"Is there a second chair in your post?Or are we going to patrol?"You asked

*Cocoa nods

(On what suggestion?)

*You chuckled quietly and thought of how to save Cocoa

"Cool.I think I like to walk around Frosted Fields instead of running for my life.It would be a good change of..pace"you said sounding happy but said the word "pace" in a curious tone
"Because walking and running are different paces-"you said sounding worried when Cocoa didn't respond

*Cocoa smiles then you immediately stop embarrassing yourself

"Then lead the way boss"you said

"Call me Cocoa.Everyone does"Cocoa wrote
"It's just a nickname.But lead on Cocoa"you smiled

*Cocoa leads on and you both started walk towards the Ruins doors.You didn't really followed Cocoa since you notice she's more nervous when she couldn't see you.Most likely you're still a stranger to her


*You both reached the door and Cocoa wrote how it's a door that never opens.It also has a unique feature about while it was an unbreakable door.So this is where your patrol ends since this was the only possible way any human can enter.Like how Cocoa found you near here

"Does anyone else patrol here?Or is it just you and Asriel?"You asked
"Me and Asriel"Cocoa wrote
"You two patrol far from the town.Doesn't also feel lonely?"You asked sounding a bit worried

*Cocoa looked down for a moment then she writes on her notepad

"It's ok.Now we have a nice subordinate/ comrade"Cocoa wrote while having a gentle smile

"It's also nice to have nice people.Like you and Asriel.Its been"you said while you thought of something at the end
"What's wrong?"Cocoa wrote
"It's nothing.Since this is the end then we should go back to the post"You suggested

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