Chapter 40 - The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

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It was exhausting, but it allowed me to get closer with Aria and we became great friends. I got to know Palermo more too.

It was beginning of the fifth week, six days 'til the end and I arrived last to the breakfast.

"Good morning, Serena." Palermo greeted me and I greeted her back.

"Morning, Serena!" Aria greeted me too.

"So, what will you have today for breakfast?" Aria asked me.

"I don't know... I'm not really hungry..." I said and sighed.

"Is everything all right, Serena?" Palermo asked me.

"Yeah, absolutely, everything is okay..." I said and put my hand in front of my mouth. "Just excuse me for a moment..." I continued and left the breakfast room of the hotel.

When I got out of the breakfast room, I began running towards my room, quickly dug out the key card, opened the doors and barely made it to the toilet, where I closed my eyes and threw up...

When I thought it's done, I didn't even had a time to stand up and I threw up for the second time... That's when someone held my hair.

"Thanks..." I managed to say before I threw up for the third time.

"You really didn't look very well, Serena." I heard a person who was holding my hair, Aria.

"How did you get here?!" I responded, somehow annoyed.

"You left the door opened." Aria smiled.

After whipping my mouth with a toilet paper and flushing the toilet, I took a water from the tap to my mouth and spitted it out. Then I relaxed, sitting down on the floor of the bathroom, leaning against the wall.

"Are you alright?" Aria kneeled down to me, putting her palm on my forehead.

"Aria, I don't think I'm sick in the way you think..." I said, confusing her.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well..." I began blushing. "You know... my body has never been late... if you know what I mean..." I said, holding onto my blue ribbon. "And I think it has a connection to the last night I spent with Ash..." I added.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Aria said after she realized what I'm talking about. "How late it is?" She asked.

"Five days..." I said, looking embarrassed.

"ALMOST A WEEK LATE?!?!" She screamed.

"And now you threw up?! But that would mean you are...!" She continued.

"It certainly looks that way." I said, cheerfully.

"Did you tell Ash that it's late?" Aria asked.

"No... not yet. I thought it's normal that it's late sometimes." I responded and Aria face palmed.

"Yeah, it's normal if it's sometimes late for few hours, or maybe a day in the worst situation, but you're out of your cycle!" Aria yelled. "C'mon, you have to get some rest, you must be tired after all of this." Aria added and helped me to stand up.

I lied down on my bed, closed my eyes, and sighed.

"I should have told Ash..." I said as I felt tears in my eyes.

"Now, now, don't cry, it's not official yet... I'll go to the pharmacy and buy some tests for you, ok? I'll tell Palermo to order you some juice or something, you have to drink." Aria said and I hugged her.

"Now, get some rest..." She told me and left to the pharmacy.

Before I fell asleep, Palermo came in and got me some water and a juice. She hasn't said anything, she was quiet the whole time. She only spoke when she thought I was asleep.

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