Is something wrong with her tongue?

"So, should I throw it?"

"Dunno. You can have it if you want" she closed her eyes and crossed her arms.

"I'll just eat it then. We don't want to waste food right?"

She didn't answer so she's probably sleeping already.

I just grinned and finished the sandwich.

The bus suddenly stopped and I peeked outside the window when someone pulled me back in.

"Don't put your head outside the window" Lisa warned me and I immediately apologized.

I thought we already arrived but it's just another gasoline station.
Irene look back at me and asked something.

"Jen, you wanna buy something? Or pee?"

"Sure. I think I need to stretch my legs too" I told her.

I look at Lisa and she gave me way. I followed Irene outside and I immediately stretched my body once my feet stepped on the ground.

"You feeling good now?" She asked me.


We saw other students coming off of the bus too and I saw Tzuyu and Sana walking towards us.

"I need to pee. How about you two?" Tzuyu asked.

"I think I'll just buy something to eat. I already peed earlier at the first stop" Irene told her.

"Can I come with you? I'm hungry" Sana whined making us laugh.

"Sure, let's go. Jen, you can follow Tzuyu"

I nodded and Tzuyu took my hand before we run to the restroom.

"Jennie I'll go first. I badly want to piss now. Guard the door" she told me and went inside before I could answer.

I waited for her patiently as I crossed my legs. I want to pee too.

"Are you done?" I called her

"Just a moment"

I nodded and tapped my foot on the floor.

I finally heard the door opened and I immediately went inside too.

I started doing my business until I'm done.

I stepped out of the stall and went to the mirror. I washed my hands and wiped it when two arms suddenly snaked around my waist.

"You done?" She whispered on my ear.

"Y-yeah. Where's Tzuyu?"

"I told her to go ahead"

I nodded and look at her from the mirror. She swayed my hair on the other side and I tilted my head a little. She started planting soft kisses on my neck making me close my eyes.

"Lili, we should go. They might left us"

"They won't. Turn around please?"

I did what she told me to. She immediately attacked my lips making me gasp but I pulled her closer to me and returned the favor.

We didn't kiss for a long time since we have to head back.
A soft kiss was planted on my forehead before we go out.

I saw V walking towards us and he handed me a bag of chips.

"What's this?" I asked

"Chips? So you won't get bored while waiting. And here's some water" I accepted the bottle of water from him.

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