Mother Father!

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Ace: impossible haven't seen her in almost 14 years (you drop a bottle and glass shatters)
Storm: shit (you start picking it up and throwing it away you cut your hand bad) ah
Ace: you ok
Storm: yeah I'm fine (you take off your shirt (you have a undershirt on) and wrap it around your hand then run over to dean) dean I cut my hand watch my section or get someone else to
Dean: ok (you go to the employee bathroom and wash your hand then wrap it you go back out and up to dally)
Storm: baby you got a shirt in your car mine has blood all over it
Dally: yeah what happened you ok
Storm: I'm fine I just cut my hand on glass
Dally: ok I'll get it
Storm: thank you handsome
Dally: you're welcome gorgeous (he goes and gets it you serve the people that need drinks then he comes back and you go around to him get the shirt and throw it over your head then go back to serving people after a couple minutes Jess comes running up)
Jess: Storm! (She's got mascara running from her eyes and her eyes are red and puffy)
Storm: Jess what's wrong
Jess: one of those guys one of em tried to (you hug her Jess was a small 16 year old girl she had pure eyes and looked like a delicate little doll when dally called you doll you always thought of Jess because she is a doll she's sweet pretty and has a heart of gold she's very sensitive but you've never seen her this worked up)
Storm: calm down Jess and tell me what he did
Jess: (calms down a little) he he hit on me and when I wouldn't go with him he tried to-
Storm: shh it's ok here stay behind the bar I'll work server you ok
Jess: I think
Storm: ok drink some water and don't flirt with my boyfriend he's the cutie with the brown hair brown eyes and is staring at me
Jess: aw you have a boyfriend
Storm: I do and I love him so damn much now give me your apron (she gives it to you and you wrap it around your waist and go to the table of the guy that tried to get at Jess) so what can I get you
Guy: your number
Storm: how bout I give you somethin else instead
Guy: what
Storm: a knuckle sandwich (you punch him in the kisser) that's for messing with my friend (he stands up) what thank your big and bad (he swings and misses you knock him on his ass look at him then kick him in the Crown Jewels) that's for bein an asshole hope it hurts flee bag MANI GET THIS BASTARD OUTTA HERE
Mani: come on let's go (drags him out)
Jess: Storm you didn't have to do that
Storm: nobody messes with my Jess (she smiles at you) now go run the bar (you take some orders then go by dally and tell Jess which ones you wrap your arms around dally and lay your head on his back)
Dally: what's wrong baby (he turns to you)
Storm: Im ready to go home
Dally: I know couple more hours and we can ok?
Storm: ok (you look up at him he kisses you)
Jess: Storm
Storm: ok (you get the drinks)
The rest of the night goes by fast and it's time for you to clock out you do and go to dally
Storm: hey babe ready to go
Dally: yeah
Storm: (you giggle) you buzzed
Dally: maybe a little
Storm: come on I'll drive
Dally: ok let's go (you and dally get in the car and you go home you go in the house to your room and dally flops down on the bed you giggle and get into night clothes he sits up takes off his boots and jacket then his shirt then sits down on the bed you go over to him and make out with him) what was that for
Storm: can't I kiss my boyfriend
Dally: anytime
Storm: I'm so damn tired
Dally: me too come on let's lay down
Storm: ok (he goes to his side of the bed and you lay next to him he puts his arms around you you look up at him and kiss him)
Dally: I love you doll
Storm: you said it!!
Dally: I did
Storm: I love you too baby (you kiss him again) hey I think I found my dad
Dally: wait really
Storm: yeah you know that guy I was talking to when you came in
Dally: yeah
Storm: he said I looked like his daughter that we had the same name were around the same age but I didn't catch it till he said he hasn't seen her in almost 14 years
Dally: how long has it been since you saw your dad
Storm: almost 14 years
Dally: damn
Storm: he said his name was ace he's a realtor
Dally: damn that's a lot
Storm: yeah
Dally: get some rest we'll figure it out tomorrow
Storm: ok (you snuggle into dally and he holds you close to him you kiss his chest and drift to sleep)
Slapping noise
Jenny: I'm leaving with my kids ace
Ace: you anit takin my kids nowhere
Jenny: you're out of control
Ace: I'm the one who's sane you're just to crazy to know
Jenny: you beat me that's not sane
Young Sonny: Stormy come on mommy said to get in the car mal is waiting
Young Storm: but what about mommy daddy hurt
Young Sonny: mal help mommy come on we go now
Jenny: get away from me
Ace: shut the hell up
Malik: kids get in the car I'll get mommy (runs in the house)
Jenny: (screams)
Malik: JENNY!!
You bolt awake and rub your eyes then look down at dally who is sound asleep and slightly snoring
Storm: (sigh of relief)
You lay back down and nuzzle closer into dally he holds you tight to him and you drift to sleep morning you wake up to banging on your door you and dally stand up and look out your door your mom is pissed looking out the front door you go it the living room your dad is ready to fight dally's behind you just as confused
Storm: mom dad what's wrong (you look out the front door) why is he here

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