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You get out get your crutches and hurry to him
Storm: heya stranger
Dally: hey doll!! (He picks you up and spins you around then puts you down and kisses you) how was your morning
Storm: ya know missed you but otherwise good yours
Dally: I hated that I had to drop em off but ya know same ole same ole (you walk over to a bench and sit down) you ok
Storm: yeah
Johnny: Dal!!
Dally: I'll be right back doll
Storm: ok
Dally: what's up man
Some guys walk up to you
Blue: Storm right
Storm: yeah?
Blue: I'm blue I heard you're recently single
Storm: sooo?
Blue: well I was wondering
While this is happening
Dally: what's up man
Johnny: Storm is really hot
Dally: I know
Johnny: no no no see guys have heard that she's recently single they'll be all over her so watch it
Dally: thanks man
Johnny: oh oh incoming go get her
Dally: who's this douchebag (goes over to her)
Blue: so I was wondering-
Dally: hey baby doll (you stand up and dally makes out with you)
Storm: so uh what where you saying
Blue: never mind (walks away)
Storm: hm someone's protective
Dally: hm
Storm: you just marked your territory
Dally: what do you mean I was just kissin my girl
Storm: well that's ironic I'm not even your girl yet
Dally: hey......you'll always be my girl whether we're official or not ok
Storm: ok
Dally: ok now I gotta go (kisses you) bye doll have a good day anyone gives you trouble tell me I'll deal with em or say my boyfriend's Dallas Winston they'll shut up and leave you alone
Storm: (giggles you kiss him) ok bye Dal
Dally: bye gorgeous
He goes over to Johnny and pony then leaves
Dally: if anyone hits on her or looks at her the wrong way tell me
P&J: ok
Your school day goes by good but some Socs were picking at you
Trip: hey Storm!
Storm: trip!! You're back (you hug him)
Trip: yup got home yesterday
Storm: so how was it
Trip: it was good but how are you I heard what happened
Storm: I'm doin good I mean the legs a bitch and some people pick at me but good
Trip: I'll beat their heads in
Storm: it's ok I have my protector
Trip: Sonny?
Storm: no someone else
Trip: when do I meet them
Storm: when you do (you see Johnny and pony) hey guys
P&J: hey Storm!!
Storm: how's the head kid
Johnny: hurts a little but I'm ok
Storm: good
Johnny and pony look at trip then back at you then at each other
Storm: what
Pony: oh nothin uh Johnny you wanna
Johnny: not really but I will um Storm who's the guy
Storm: he told you two to keep an eye out for me didn't he
J&P: yeah
Storm: it's cool guys he's my friend this is trip trip this is ponyboy and Johnny
Trip: hey
Guys: hey
Johnny: we better get goin to class
Storm: ok bye see ya later
J&P: bye
Trip: who are they
Storm: friends
Trip: how do you know em
Storm: friends of a friend
Trip: you're confusing (laughs) so heard you broke up with dick
Storm: yup
Trip: good hey I need talk to you about somethin after school
Storm: ok (the day goes by slowly then finally it's the end of the day you meet trip at the bench you sat at this morning) so what's up?
Trip: would you wanna go on a date with me
Storm: oh trip I'm-
Dally: hey baby doll
Storm: hey Dal (he kisses you you look at trip) trip this is
Trip: Dallas Winston....so you'd rather go out with him than me
Storm: trip-
Trip: nah nah it's ok (starts to walk off) always knew you were a whore anyway
Dally: what the fuck did you say (goes after him)
Trip: (turns around) I said I knew she was a whore anyway (dally belts him in the jaw then kicks him 5 times cop car comes up)
Cop: Dallas really again
Dally: hey jack yeah again you see he insulted my girl so had to do somethin about it
Cop: come on let's go turn around (he takes his keys and tosses them to two he puts his hands up then turns around the guy takes dally's gun and dally winks at you the cop handcuffs dally and puts him in the cruiser)
Storm: Sonny! (You hurry to him) take me to the police station Layla let's go pony Johnny two meet you there (you all get in the cars and go to the police station they have dally in a cell) Dallas Winston
Police: oh my god take him he's already on my nerves (they let him out)
Dally: hey jack can you please uncuff me (he does) thanks man (he hugs you) I'm sorry beautiful
Storm: for what
Dally: gettin arrested again
Storm: you were defending me don't be sorry baby
Police: you better keep this one Dallas I've never seen you hug a girl that picked you up from here
Dally: I plan on keepin er bye jack
Police: bye Dallas (you and everyone leave)
Dally: baby doll tell Sonny to follow me
Storm: ok (you kiss him then get in the car) follow dally
Sonny: ok
You guys go to the Curtis house and go in
Darry: where ya been
Pony: dally got arrested again
Darry: why?
Dally: some guy was insulting Stormy
Darry: you kick his ass
Dally: hell yeah I did I beat that motherfucker
Johnny: he did
Dally: I belted that asshole right in the jaw then I kicked him 5 fuckin times felt good to beat the son of a bitch woohoo
Storm: you runnin on adrenaline
Dally: just a little bit!! I needa smoke!! (Goes out the back door)
You laugh and sit down on the couch Darry goes in the kitchen and you hear music Twobit is to into the show Layla and Johnny are to into each other you don't know where the fuck Steve and soda are ponys reading his book and making facial expressions you laugh
Storm: whatcha doin pony
Pony: hm oh nothin (turns red you get up and go to the kitchen Darry is jamming out to abba he turns and sees you his eyes go wide)
Darry: I-
Storm: your secret safe with me (you go outside with dally he had a teddy bear sitting beside him on the porch he gives it a cigarette)
Dally: no I'm not gonna light it you almost caught on fire last time I did stupid........I'm sorry I'm sorry you're not stupid
Storm: Dal?
Dally: (snatches the bear and puts it in his jacket) Jesus Christ you scared the shit outta me
Storm: sorry
Dally: how long ya been there
Storm: long enough
Dally: listen you mean a lot to me but if you tell anyone I'll fight you
Storm: got it (you go back inside to the bathroom Johnny is sitting in the sink you back out slowly then go to sodas room)
Steve: it's Britney bitch (starts to jam out to Britney Spears you just back out and go to the kitchen sodas trying to fit in the fridge then you go to the front porch twos practice if his Mickey impression you go back inside then go outside to dally)
Storm: hey (you sit beside him)
Dally: hey
Storm: I know so many secrets in such little time
Dally: really
Storm: yeah pony makes expressions when he reads Johnny sits in the sink two practices his Mickey impression Steve jams out to Britney Spears soda tries to fit in the fridge you have a teddy bear
Dally: hey! Shhhhh!
Storm: what's his name
Dally: (looks at you and stares into your eyes creepy) Lucifer
Storm: like the devil (he looks straight)
Dally: yes!
Storm: wow you can even make somethin cute creepy
Dally: I didn't name him
Storm: what do you mean
Dally: he told me his name
Storm: you ok?
Dally: physically yes mentally no
Storm: (laughs) me too
Dally: you don't have a bear that talks to you
Storm: no I don't (you take something out your jacket) I have a Lion
Dally: what's his name
Storm: Demon
Dally: where'd you come up with that
Storm: I didn't he told me
Dally: really what is he saying right now
Storm: he knows your secret tattoo
Dally: Storm how do you know about my tattoo
Storm: you have a tattoo?
Dally: yeah? How did you know
Storm: I didn't but demon says it's a arrow no no no it used to be an arrow but you changed it to a gun
Dally: where
Storm: your arm you got it 2 years ago when Steve got his
Dally: what the fuck (you giggle) you fuckin with me
Storm: yeah that's not what he really said
Dally: how do you know about my tattoo
Storm: I remember you from a couple years ago
Dally: how
Storm: you guys were loud as fuck in the shop
Dally: you have any tattoos
Storm: yea and I'm gonna get another one too
Dally: what's yours
Storm: I have to cover em up but here (you lick your thumb and wipe your wrist it's a vine that wraps around your wrist)
Dally: woah shit that's sick
Storm: look (you wipe your middle finger to show him a snake)
Dally: damn
Storm: (you uncover a small little wing on your ankle)
Dally: you're only 17 how do you have 3
Storm: I work their and Luka loves me so I get em free
Dally: now that's not fair (you giggle)
Storm: so......wanna make out
Dally: (chuckles throws his cigarette and hops off the porch then stands in front of you on the ground)
Storm: hey never try to hide that you smoked a cigarette
Dally: why
Storm: cause I can taste it on your breath (he smirks and makes out with you you hear the door open and dally pulls away and rests his head on your shoulder)
Dally: what's up?!
Steve: it's rumble time
Dally: wait really (looks up)
Steve: yup Socs want another go
Dally: ok let's beat their asses again get Shepard's gang in it he'll wanna piece
Steve: I'll go tell Darry (he runs inside)
Storm: can I come
Dally: no
Storm: why not
Dally: because
Storm: because why
Dally: because you ask to many questions (you give him a look) because if the Socs see you there they'll go after you and I'm not risking it ok?
Storm: fine (he goes to kiss you but you move your head so he kisses your cheek he smirks)
Dally: fine I'll just go get myself beat up without a good luck charm good bye kiss so I'll just weep (he gets back up on the porch and sits behind you) (whispers) or I could get that kiss cause if not it's war (you ignore him) mmmh fine guess I'll just hold you in my arms (he says lightly in his low husky voice he traces the end line of your shirt he draws lines on your back with his fingers then he wraps his arms around your waist under your long shirt then he moves up to your stomach)
Storm: that's a risky game you're playin at
Dally: I won't stop till I get what I want
Storm: who told you to stop
(He stands up and goes inside you silently celebrate because you won then you stand up and go back inside everyone is doing something different you look around for dally)
Storm: where's dally
Johnny: said he needed a cold shower (you laugh) what
Storm: hm? Oh nothin (you go and sit down on the couch after about 15 minutes dally comes out in a towel you bite your lip in frustration because you know you didn't win yet he looks where you are you are sweating on fire he chuckles and smirks then goes back in the bathroom after a couple minutes he comes out in his jeans no shirt and his hair dripping water he sits beside you you calmed yourself you stood up and sat on his lap he raised his eyebrows at you you shrug and lean over to your cast it was "hurting you" then you leaned back then leaned up again to get a magazine off the coffee table at this point dally was sweating and bright red you knew what you were doing and leaned back against his shoulder he was internally screaming and he was trying to calm himself down he looked down at you and his eyes went big you died laughing) I can't breathe oh my god
Layla: what's wrong
Storm: I'll tell you later (laughs you calm yourself and look at dally he shakes his head you lean back on his shoulder he whispers)
Dally: you play quite a risky game to doll but I'm much worse (he whispers in your ear your face goes red and is burning up he smirks at you)
Storm: why are you shirtless
Dally: because both our shirts look better on the floor
You bite your lip in frustration after while they leave for the rumble and you and Layla talk
Layla: so what's up
Storm: me and dally are playing a risky game
Layla: what
Storm: basically we are teasing each other till the other snaps
Layla: snaps how (you give her the yeah look) oh my god (someone knocks on the door you go look)
Storm: what the fuck

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