"What?" Yelena asked her, concerned.

"...Thanos' army. They were there too."

Strange knew the answer. It had become so clear to him. He addressed the entire room, presenting his realization to them. "That's why they wanted the stones. They needed an army —a powerful one. Doesn't even have to be a loyal one either since they have the Mind Stone."

"Okay, person who just rose from the dead here and has no idea what's going on." Natasha said, raising her hand.

Tony hastily filled her in on the entire situation, making sure to not leave out any of his sarcastic remarks, while also making sure to tell Natasha all about her best friend and baby sister's squabble, Which caused Clint and Yelena to look at each other with a look that told everyone they knew they'd be in trouble once this was all over. He went over everything from the stolen hydra gear to the battle at the compound against Magneto as well as Wanda being on the opposing side.

"Wait, so Wanda's our enemy?" She asked, confused.

"Yeah, her and an entire super squad of people who have no trouble kicking our asses."

She shook her head and turned to Strange. "Okay but that still doesn't explain how I'm here. There's no way they'd choose to bring me back too; I'd just fight against them."

"They wouldn't." He answered her while stepping forward. "The stone let you leave."

"Uhh..." His answer only left her more confused.

"The stones may just look like shiny rocks, but they do have a mind of their own. They can influence certain things to an extent. I assume the Soul Stone knew that we'd need you." He tried his best to clarify for her, as well as the rest of the room and while it did make sense to them, they were all still slightly confused.

"Anyways, Wanda's team used the stones about an hour ago now at a location in Georgia and we were just about to go." Bucky told Natasha, hoping to hint to the rest of the team that they should be leaving now. He didn't openly show it but seeing her again was the best thing to happen to him in the past few months; he was a mess after he found out she was dead. She didn't need him to though, she saw right through him and gave him a genuine smile before turning back to the rest of the group. She would talk with him alone later, but right now they needed to focus on the issue at hand.

"Alright well I'm going with you guys."

"Absolutely not!"

"Are you crazy?!"

"No way in hell!"

"Not a chance!"

"Like hell!"

Steve, Bucky, Sam, Yelena, Clint and Bruce all protested at once.

She gave them a look that let them know that she was coming, but Bruce tried to argue anyways... knowing he'd lose.

"Nat, we literally don't know anything that happened to you while coming back to the land of the living. We have to make sure everything's okay first." Bruce tried to convince her as Tony nodded in the background, showing he agreed.

"I'm fine and we don't have time for this. Strange said it himself: the stone knows you guys need me."

Tony gave Strange an accusing look. "See what you did? You enabled her." He said accusingly as Strange shrugged his shoulders and brought his hands up in a shocked manner at Tony's accusation. Peter snickered in the background at the two grown men's bickering but tried his best to hide it.

"Okay how about this, Bruce can do a checkup on the Quinjet on the way there. Can we leave now?" Natasha impatiently asked.

"Fine, but if something is wrong then you are not fighting." Bruce reluctantly agreed as everyone ran out the door to get their stuff and meet at the quinjet.

Next Target: Clint BartonWhere stories live. Discover now