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James's Shift↑

Lucas POV:
"LET ME GOOOO!" I yell at the damn snake that has me trapped in it's coils. I try to pry Kyler off of me but he has me wrapped up tight. He wants me to take him to see his buddies in town but I wanted to have my fox nap.

Come with me! It won't be ssso bad asss long asss you ssstay with me!

I hear his voice in my head and I whine as he drags me along with him.

I try to claw at the door as I pass it but I couldn't hold on. Before, I would of hurt him but I came to like his friendship. "All I want is a good nap! Winter is coming and I will have to be ready before my heat comes!" I whimper when I hit my head on a door frame.

I don't care! You promisssed me yesssterday we would be able to go out ssso you have to go with your word! He hisses at me while pulling me along tighter.

You know he has a point. We may be a cross-shift but we still need to have fun before that bloody heat hits. Marcus says as he lays on his stomach.

Cross-shifts have heats and internal organs almost like girl, to where we can be impregnated by any male. It is very uncommon and a big honor to be one. Yeah yeah! They make that shit up! You have to go through extricating pain during heats that last a week!

But I am really tired! I whine while finally giving up on struggling. I know when I lost. I just let him drag me really painfully.

I sigh and finally admit defeat. "Fine. I will come, but please let me go." I say and he lets me go and transforms back into his human form. I hand him clothes and he nods his thanks.

"We are meeting at Dennisss'sss Cafè ssso we can get sssomething to eat." Kyler says as he holds onto my arm and we walk in comfortable silence to the Cafè.

I look over at a group of people who were looking and whispering our way. I look around and see that they were indeed looking at us so I start to pull Kyler into a nearby diner.

He looks slightly confused and looks at me. "What'sss wrong, Lucasss? We have another block until we reach the Cafè." He asks me and I nod.

"I know. Some guys were looking our way and talking about us. I wanted to make sure they weren't following us so now we stay here for a while. Can you call your friends and tell them there was a delay in our plans?" I ask as we take a seat at a table. I'm glad I brought some money so we can eat.

The waitress comes over and smiles at us. Looking at me longer than Kyler. I smile back and look towards Kyler. "Anything you want to drink? It's on me tonight." I say and watch him as he thinks.

"Is he your older brother?" The waitress, who's tag says Brittany, asks me.

I shake my head and look back at Kyler. "I would like some apple juice, please." He told the waitress and she nods a little.

"And you sir?" She turns to me and licks her lips a little.

"Just give me some water." I say and wave her away. She looks a little disappointed, but it soon turns into a small smile as she knows she can come back and try again.

Sluts now and days. Want any and every hot guy they meet. They have no limits. A 60 year old will do just fine if they can get money and a hot old guy. Marcus huffs and sits up alert. We need to watch out for those guys. I have a feeling they are planning something.

Me, too. The look they were sending our way must mean they are poachers.

Poachers are humans that hunt us were animals for our fur and to sell us as slaves. We may have a peace treaty between the humans, but many of them still want us dead. They used to kidnap us from our homes and us us to breed more and more. They used us for our fur, as slaves, and as pets. They had no boundaries. Then a very bloody war started between us and we won. The treaty was made as a way to make us have peace and calmness between our kinds and so that no more wars were to happen. The punishment for being a  poacher is death by the were's family. Not a lot of poachers remain, but the ones that do will do anything for some profit off of us.

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