.˳⁺⁎˚ ︻デ═一 ♡ ~ .˳⁺⁎˚ ➔ c h a p t e r 1

421 7 0

"what? you can't do this, i need this job!" you protest to your now ex-manager. "i'm sorry, ae-cha, i have to do this. times are tough. i wish there was something i could do." sung-jin says finally.

you sigh and look down at your dirty sneakers. the laces are brown and there are stains all over them, but they get the job done.

"in other words, here is your final paycheck. thank you for your service here, ae-cha. i'm really sorry i have to do this to you. i know it's been tough for you lately." sung-jin says sympathetically.

pshh, tough is an understatement. it's been more than tough lately.

you can tell he's truly sorry, and you can't help but feel bad for the guy. you stand up from your chair and head for the door of the outdated office.

"oh wait, one last thing!" he says suddenly. "yeah?" you ask him. "your apron, i need it back. you can keep the name tag though." he says quickly.

"oh, yeah. here." you say while untying the brown apron and placing it on top of some papers. you remove the name tag and stick it in your pocket. "thanks." he says finally.

you leave the office and exit the cafe. you begin walking down the street before you remember your paycheck in hand. you tear open the envelope and remove the piece of paper inside.

the check is for 700₩. sweet, combined with the money you already had, you would have enough for rent and food this week. at least something good has happened to you.

you continue walking down the street, in a slightly better mood. that's one week of worrying, gone. that's before you hear your name being shouted from a distance.

"ae-cha! long time no see! hey, come here, we need to have a little discussion!" shouted one of your loansharks. you turn your head back and after confirming it's him, you take off running. you hear him running after you.

you turn the corner and enter the nearest shop you see, a savings bank. you pull open the heavy glass doors and dash inside.

you run to the back of the bank and try to blend in. while "blending in", you bump into a tall man. he's very handsome, sporting a fancy-looking suit. he has glasses and dark hair. he looks like he's just gotten some bad news.

"sorry." you mumble and walk the other way. "hey, wait." the man says and grabs your upper arm. "are you alright? you look like you're panicking." he questions.

"yeah i'm fine, i just...it doesn't matter. thanks." you tell him. "okay. have a nice evening." he says and walks swiftly out of the bank.

you sit down on a couch and try to blend in. you stay like that for about 15 minutes, still looking and listening for your loanshark.

you figure that it is safe to leave now, before realizing that this is the bank you use. now is the perfect time to cash that check..wait, where's the check?!

that's why the loanshark didn't come after you. he got what he needed, at least for today. you dropped the check while running. shit.

you decide to check your balance and re-evaluate everything. you get in line and wait until it's your turn.

you finally reach the teller, who gives you a warm smile and speaks to you. "welcome. how may i help you tonight?" she asks in a happy voice.

unexpected ; triangle x fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now