Chapter 15: Gone

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tw. blood, death, needles.

george was going to be okay. or was he? dream wanted to believe george was going to be okay, but deep down inside he knew he wouldn't be. he just wanted to believe and hope it comes true. george was the first boy he's loved. overall the first person he's genuinely loved. dream needed george to live, dream can't live without george. dream laid there in georges chest, checking on his heartbeat to see if it was slowing down. he was preparing himself to hear the last heartbeat from george. dream looked up at george. georges eyes were slightly open, he was staring the the ceiling. george looked down at dream revealing a slight smile. dream smiled slightly too, tears rolled down his face. he didn't want to think of georges last moments with him. the last kiss, the last smile, the last laugh, the last anything. he just wanted george to be okay. george was in so much pain. it was so unbearable to him, he just wanted to feel okay for once in his fucking life. dream sat george up. he sat next to him putting his head on his shoulder. he leaned in and kissed george on his cheek. georges eyes lit up with tears. george didn't want to die, but he knew it would be the best for both of them. georges body was limp, he could move but barely. dream had to position george to something comfortable for him. dream got up and grabbed the pillow off of georges bed. he ran back towards george and put the pillow behind his head, holding his head in place as he scooted it behind his head. he sat in front of george. staring at him. he was so perfect, so beautiful. george stared at dream, lightly motioning his hand for dream to come over to him. dream scooted towards george, putting his hands on his beautiful face. he leaned in and kissed george, george surprisingly kissed back. even though he didn't have any energy to do so he decided to use his last bit of energy for this one last moment. the one last kiss. dream pulled away. dream had a sudden thought. something that could possibly save george. he quickly grabbed his phone and called sapnap. "what's up, is george okay?" "no he's not, but do you remember the thing we bought from my dealer. you know the shot thing? i cant remember what it's called but you know what i'm talking about. " "the adrenaline shot? yeah what about it?" "that wakes you up, it gives you a random shot of energy. do you still have it?" "yeah it's in my closet." "okay can you bring it down for me. i need it like right now." "dream, you don't really think this can save george." "i don't think it will save him, but it would give us more time. just please bring it down." dream hung up the phone. he placed it on the floor next to him. he looked at george. his eyes were closing slowly. he moved his head to georges chest. listening closely. his heartbeat was slowing down dramatically. sapnap ran into the room, a needle with some sort of fluid in it. he handed it to dream. "george look at me, look at me." he held georges cheeks in his hands. george eyes stayed closed. he slid up georges pants, slowly sticking the needle into his skin. pushing at the end to let all the fluid out. george still was laying lifeless. "no no no no. THIS HAS TO WORK." dream screamed. he sat crying, his head buried into his hands. sapnap knelt next to dream, he was crying with him. dream got up and hugged sapnap, crying into sapnaps neck as sapnap cried into his. he lost his love. his everything. nothing in his life could ever compare to the pain he was feeling right now. george was dead. dream couldn't do anything about it. he wished so desperately that he hadn't been in this situation, but of course his actions took over his thoughts. sapnap rubbed dreams back, he knew how much he loved george. he couldn't imagine the love of his life be taken away like this. he looked over at george, a surprised expression appeared on his face. "dream." sapnap said. dream continued crying into sapnaps neck, he heard sapnap but he didn't want to hear what he had to say. "dream, look." sapnap shouted. dream released from sapnap, he wiped his tears off of his face and turned around slowly. georges eyes were wide open. george stared at dream, a smile on his face. dream stood in surprise, was he dreaming again? was he hallucinating? he couldn't tell if it was real or not. "george." he ran over to george, embracing him with the tightest grip. he would never let go. he looked up at george, the bleeding stopped in his neck. it was no longer dripping down his chest. "dream." georges voice was raspy and high pitched. dream could tell it took a lot for george to release those words. "holy fuck that actually worked?!" sapnap had the weirdest expression on his face. it was a mixture between being surprised and happy. "what worked? i cant remember what happened." george said with a concerned expression. george immediately knew he was in horrible pain, but he didn't know what caused it. dream grabbed george up off of the ground and slowly walked george over to the mirror. as they walked they stepped on glass shards, george looked down to see the mess. george looked at himself in what was left of the mirror. his white shirt was soaked with blood, he was pale and a bandage wrapped around his neck. he tried to move the bandage but dream stopped him. "no, don't do that. you'll make the bleeding start again." dream stated. george looked over at dream and looked back at the mirror. what had he done to himself. the vision of the incident snapped back into his brain. he remembered holding the glass and the immediate excruciating pain of the glass piercing his throat, then after that he remembered nothing. "please take me to my bed, i'm tired." george said. dream leaded him to his bed, he sat george down and covered him with the bed sheets. "please stay with me tonight, i don't trust myself being alone." "me or sapnap?" dream said. "you please." sapnap nodded and walked up the stairs. he was kind of hurt but at the same time that was dreams man, not his. dream sat down next to george, covering himself up with the covers. george rested his head on dreams chest, he listened to dreams heartbeat. dream rested his head on georges and ran his fingers through his hair. george had one question that he's been wondering now for a little bit. he opened his mouth and spoke: "do you actually love me, or are you just desperate."

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