Chapter 7: Recovery

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"Azaad, when they're rested, get a small party and send them south to get an update from our eastern guard." Despite most of the raids happening in the north, Kion suspected it was a ruse and that the Sonn might try something on their eastern flank. As such, he ordered the Count of Tripoli and Baron of Ibelin, Balian, to back up Baron Advik.

God seemed to smile on them, as recently, a company of knights and men-at-arms from the Reich Empire arrived on pilgrimage and agreed to stay on for a month or two with Kion placing them under Ibelin's command.

"Don't thank us, thank your King!!!" Bunga shouted as a few villagers approached him. However, as they glanced over at Kion, most only murmured. The King sighed and looked away before feeling Beshte's strong arm on his shoulder.

"Don't even think about it Kion, they're alive because of you." The Norman Knight assured him.


"Kion, are we heading back soon?" Bunga asked with a somewhat anxious tone.

"Not until we're sure all the raiders are beaten."

"Awww, can't bear to be away from your wife for so long?" Anga chuckled with Fuli and Azaad. Ono, Beshte, and even Kion soon smirked when they saw the bashful expression on Bunga's face as he looked at a white gold ring on his right hand, which gleamed in the sunlight. After nearly dying in battle, Bunga almost immediately proposed to Binga, who eagerly accepted, with Rani's approval, of course.

Since then, Kion and the others noticed his restlessness whenever they had to leave on a campaign.

"You think she's ok? I haven't gotten a letter from her in a while."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I preferred you more careless." Fuli laughed.

"Hmp, just wait until you two are married." Bunga retorted, emphasizing Azaad even as Fuli wiped more sweat from his forehead. This seemed to gain a reaction as Fuli looked timid.

"I, we-"

"You have my blessings, don't forget, Azaad is a knight of Outremer." Kion with, his joy now fully returned as he smiled at his Turcopole captain, who nervously looked back at Fuli.

"I could marry you both right now if you want." Ono said with a smirk, almost earning a yelp from the young couple and immense laughter from the others.

"There's the Kion we know and love!" Bunga proclaimed while placing an arm around his shoulder.

"Sire, Prince Rune!" A turcopole shouted. Kion and the others quickly turned and saw the Prince of Principatum riding towards them with a retinue of his knights, turcopoles, and templars, including Kopa.

"Your highness! Blessings to you and us as well!" Prince Rune laughed before he embraced Kion.

"Prince Rune, I take it things have gone well for you and you Grandmaster," Kion said, earning a warm smile from Kopa.

"Oui, my liege. Like you, we've ensured that no village has suffered pillage or sack by God's divine mercy and your leadership." Kopa's words provided Kion with some comfort.

"I've just done my duty-"

"Don't talk like that!" Rune laughed as he smacked Kion's back with an intense laugh.

"Don't be thinking about the Litani, Kion. Celebrate what we've accomplished here! Not a single one of my, no, our subjects has suffered thanks to your actions!"

"Our actions." Kion corrected.

"Looks like you were right about his humility." Rune chuckled as he turned back to Kopa.

The Lion Guard: King of OutremerOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara