Just the end

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Warning, spoilers on the end of the Loki series


Loki looks at the hand stretched out in front of him. He frowns, he hesitates. He looks up at the reassuring smile of Mobius, who is just waiting for a friendly gesture.

But the God doesn't agree. It's not what he wants. Not like that. He's not one to shake hands without a second thought. And he has come to believe that everyone is like him.

Besides, who would want to be friends with the God of Mischief? It doesn't make sense. Not in his world. Not like this.

He plunges his gaze into the azure marbles in front of him. And he doesn't understand why or how, but he wants to trust her. He lives to take that still hand in his, and even more.

Because he spent many days with Mobius. He got to know the VAT agent. And no one had ever been so honest with him.

And above all, for the first time in his life, Loki trusted another being. Even Thor hadn't had this chance often enough. But after seeing his future, his whole planet die, his family too, he had learned from his mistakes. Never again would he want to be responsible for the loss of another loved one.

He takes a step, hesitates. He sees the smile that encourages him, those eyes that reassure him. Then he decides to do something he has never done before.

He grabs the tended hand, and pulls it towards him. In a supple gesture, his long arms wrap around the body which crashes against his. He closes his eyes, breathes his smell.

Hugging is a way to hide your face, but also a better way to stab you in the back.

Yet, Loki's hand is flat against the brown suit.

He does not want to betray Mobius. Never.


Sitting on the steps, he tries to understand. How could Sylvie have betrayed him like that? He hopes that she will have changed her mind, but deep down, he doubts it.

After all, despite all her protests, she is still a Loki. And Loki would never abandon his plan. Not even for him.

He doesn't know what's going to happen, but he knows it's not good. Not good at all.

All of a sudden, the God gets on his legs, with only one idea in mind. Mobius.

He must find him, he must warn him, see if he has succeeded in his project.

Tirelessly, he walks through the corridors of the TVA. Where they ate together, where Loki fell asleep on a table, where he put Mobius' tie back in place... He must find him.

Finally, between two shelves, he sees him. He would recognize his white hair and his suit between thousand.

When Loki finds his voice, and calls him, the agent turns around. Finally.

The God then starts to explain everything to him. Sylvie, the real man behind it all, the risks they run... All that he discovered since they separated. But when their eyes meet, he feels that something is wrong.

- Who are you?

No. No. Loki can't accept this, not a reality where Mobius is not by his side. It's impossible for those blue eyes to look at him and not recognize him. Not after all they've been through together.

Loki approaches. Certainly too abruptly, because the agent has a backward movement. But he has to do it.

He advances again, until blocking it against the embankment. He raises his hand, suddenly frozen by the fear he can read in the other's eyes.

- Trust me, begged the god of mischief.

Gently, Loki puts his two hands on her forehead. He tries to remember every second they spent together, to show him all that they lived both. A tear rolls down Mobius' cheek. He seeks his glance, to reassure himself, to be sure that he understands what is happening. Finally, he blows:

- Loki.


I wrote on the plane, on a small piece of paper, that's why it's short.

Have you seen the Loki series? Any theories on the sequel?

Lokius - One-shot [English]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora