Part 9

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Dabi was feeling really smug with himself as he made his way back to Kents car, who was listening to the radio

"So how did the breck in go?" Kent asked

"Shut up i didnt breck in, she left her key out in the open, not my fault she is kinda dumb."
"Right, anyway you didn't get stabbed or anything right."

"Hahah (name) stab me, she is about as threatening as a marshmallow." Dabi said

"I don't know man, remember when that girl was flirting with you and you didn't tell her to stop adn (name) beat her up."

"Oh yeah that was funny to see." dabi said taking a cigarette out and lighting it

"Man, I thought I asked you to stop smoking in my car." Kent said

"Want me to put it out of your eye."

"No thanks." Kent said, as Dabi held your spare key up "you kept it?"

"Sure did, I'm sure she didn't even notice, I bet she is cowering right now." Dabi indicated as he put it in his pocket

"I don't know man, isn't this going a bit too far?" Kent asked as Dabi held his lit cigarette about two inches away from his eye "haha okay maybe not..."

"Besides I set the seeds of mistrust, and this Hawks guy seems like the type to just run away when he is found out." Dabi said "glad he is out of the way."

"Can I go home now then?" Kent asked, "The hotel is running my wallet dry,and I'm tired of fast food."

"We will leave once (name) is in the back seat." Dabi said "Besides we should celebrate, I know this good bar, lets go."

You had managed to calm down a bit more And Keigo was still sitting next to you on the floor, but now what were you going to do?

"I know you are still shaken up, but shouldn't you call the cops and report this." Keigo said

" point." you said

"What cha 'mean no point?" Keigo asked a little perplexed

"Again if he gets arrested his dad will just bail him out and he will just get a slap on the wrist, he has been doing it for a while and why is he still able to do it." you explained "He set this guys pants leg on fire and the guy pressed charges but the dad paid him off till he decided to drop it, hsi dad is a prosecutor, i think he only pays off Dabis antics so it won't interfere with his work."

"Ah that makes a lot of sense, from what i've seen so far he is the type who would be in jail by now." Keigo said "well we should go change your locks then."

"My locks?" you said, oh right he snuck in using the spare key...he took it with him."

"Come on, we are going to go change your locks." Keigo said getting up off the floor

"But it's so late." you said but keigo was already outside the door waiting for you to join him

"Don't care letsa go." he said, you stood up and followed him grabbing your purse on the way out. So one trip to the hardware store and a new set of keys and locks, Keigo also seemed to get a chain lock and a security bar and it was back to your apartment to get everything in place.

"Okay let's see how it works." Keigo said "Keep the door unlocked and put the security bar up and i'll try to break in."

"Alrighty." you said as you closed the door and put the bar up and the chain, an you heard a thud against the door, did he really just throw his whole body weight on it

"It works!" he said and you removed the bar and undid the chain

"Okay you should be safe now,what are you going to do with the new spare key?" he asked "You did the old lady thing and put it on top of the door frame."

"Hmm, here i'll give it to you." you said

"Really?" he said

"Yeah if I ever lose my key I know you will have it." you said handing it over "I know i can trust you with it."

"You sure can, don't worry if any shady looking individuals try to get it, ill make sure to punch them in the throat." he said attaching it to his key chain, why did he have a little Kiiroitori on it, it was cute.

"Cute isn't it." he said

"Very, where did you get it?" you asked

"I was getting some food and saw a wall of these guys so i snagged one." he said

YOu waved Keigo off as he returned to his car, Keigo told you to call him if Dabi showed his face around here again, but Keigo knew where he would be at this time, he was just hoping after all these years he wouldn't need to return to one of those places. One of the underground bars that most people would pass by thinking it was abandoned, but more so where people like Dabi would go. So when he opened the door and scanned the room ,sure enough there was Dabi in the corner, with Kent who was stealing some of the food off his plate while he wasn't looking.

"Hey scoot over." Keigo said sitting himself next to dabi, who took a moment to process him, Kent immediately recognized him and nearly choked and looked like he was looking for the nearest exit "what you having, hey waiter i'll have what he is having." Keigo yelled

"What the fuck are you doing here birdbrain." Dabi said

"What can't a guy get something to eat at?" Keigo looked at his watch, "11:30."

"Well I wonder what (naem) would think if she saw you in this type of place." Dabi said "altho she probably already knows, you are here because of my little vist and here to get revenge I ruined your little friendship." Dabi said, sounding so condescending, Keigo was really happy to rub the new news in his face.

"Ruined, say what, no if anything you strengthened our relationship, hey kenny you gonna eat that?" Keigo asked

"" kent said passing the plate over to him

"Thanks." Keigo said, what he was saying sounded cheerful and how he was saying it had no hint of maliciousness, but still the overall vibe that was created at the table, made a lot of people scoot away.

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