Part 8

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You begrunnly sat down, whatever Dabi was going to spew from his mouth was most likely complete bullshit

"What not going to offer me a drink." Dabi asked

"Just say what you came here to say and leave." you said

"Fine, did you know your friend carries a hidden blade in his jacket?" Dabi said

"No." you said, seriously why the hell would Dabi tell you that "And frankly i don't care, maybe i should start carrying around pepper spray."

"Well you know why he is called Hawks right."

"Yes he told me, he street raced in highschool, you have done worse." you said, you wonder how many times you could stick him with backhanded insults till he got the point you really didn't care what he had to say.

"Well there was that, but if we are being honest he was worse then me, he apparently had a nasty habit of leaving a couple of scars on peoples faces with that knife."

"And you threaten to burn off peoples eye lids dabi." you said"you once set a man's jacket sleeve on fire."
"ONly because he was making you uncomfortable don't forget all the facts." Dabi said,you rolled your eyes.

"Look I really don't care about Keigos past, he is trying to move on from it, unlike you, you liket o live in the shittyness that you made for yourself." you said

"Watch it, and it's very cute how you are trying to act all tough here." Dabi said "you are picking at your sleeve, you always do that when you are nervios."

"Well you did breck in." you said

"He is dangerous (name) and he is tricking you into thinking he is this cool funny guy, you ever notice how he acts differently around everyone, how do you know he is actually showing you how he really acts."

"At least he knows how to act like a good person." you said and Dabi slammed his fist down on the table making you jolt up in your seat.

"He is more dangerous than you think and not to mention the fact you are oblivious of people's true intentions." Dabi yelled at you, why did he feel the need for hte yelling

"Just leave, you told me what you wanted to tell , so just leave." you said

"Oh I'm not done, you know kent."

"Huh kenny?" you said

"He changed his nickname, not important, Hawks almost drove him off the road a couple of times, oh not to mention his dad got arrested got sent to prison and got stabbed to death-"

'SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME HIS PERSONAL INFORMATION!" you yelled at Dabi, who stood up and looked over you, you were hacking you were still scared of him, he still had some hold over your actions, he hadn't lost you completely, he just elt out a tiny laugh before leaving and slamming the door on the way out, you felt like throwing up, he had broken into your house with the spare key and started tell you all these nasty things about your friend.

YOur hands were very shaky but you managed to call Keigo, who did picked up

"Hey something happened?"

"Yes.....Dabi broke in." you sniffled

"WHAT!?" Keigo yelled "Look stay put, I'll be there in a second."

"No he left, no reason for you to come over, he just...said some bad stuff about you." you said, Keigo felt like a brick had been thrown at his stomach, he was already up the steps to your apartment,and opened the door, you jumped proanaly expecting to see Dabi there.

"I was already here.I just uhm...look what happened." He said hanging up and walking over to you

"I came in , turned on the light and he was just sitting in the dark. He wouldn't leave and said he needed to tell me something, it was stuff about you."

"God dammit." Keigo said, kneeling down "You hate me now."
"How much of it was true?" you asked

"Welli don't know what he told you. I was hoping to keep it in the past and not have to bring it up again but guess that's not really an option." Keigo said and he started to explain a couple of things

"My dad was delinquent as a teenager and grew into a criminal, my mom was well not exactly the most attentive person out there, so i didn't really have a good role model, and started to follow in my dad's steps, street racing, street fights, shake downs, like i said i had a rebellious phase, i mean i did show you the two giant wing tattoos on my back, but i just, my dad got stabbed to death in jail in my last year of highschool and i guess it was wake up call, because i didn't want to end up like him, so i tried to get my act together, my girlfriend didn't want to leave the delinquent life so us finding different paths and all, but yeah i moved here and wanted to change myself to be better, so that's why i act so different, i want to be liked not feared, nwo people only know me as some guy who races cars."

"So that's why you act so differently to everyone?" you asked

"Sure is, it's coming more naturally to me now, fake it till you make it i guess." Keigo said "Sorry you had to find out this way-"

"Oh shut up Hawks." You said referring to his nickname "maybe i need to be more honest with you two, i was almost as bad as Dabi when we were dating, i would sneak out all the time, go to underground bars, do a lot and i mean a lot of under age drinking, smoked for a bit but quit because smokers lung isn't fun to deal with, i have actually gotten into a few cat fights."

"You?" Keigo jeered

"Yup, so when you met me you thought i was this sweet pure introvert who could do no wrong and was shy who had a shitty boyfriend, well we were both shitty...together, i guess him breaking up with me, was the nicest thing he had done for me."

"That is a uhm...view shatterer, guess we have a bit more in common than we thought."

"Sure do, so I'm not scared of you, or frightened by what you did in the past either, and I don't care who your dad is, I just like you Keigo."

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