Part 2

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Finally you were able to get your grades up and your mood up since your classmates left you alone now, they were scared of you, well more scared of your older "friend", it gave you a bit of a confidence boost if you were being honest. You didn't like violence to be the answer to your problem , but it did nip it in the butt rather quickly.

Dabi was a bit weird and off putting to those around him, but you saw him more as your savior, nto a healthy way to view someone, still even if it was off putting when he kiss you behind the school and told you were his girlfriend now, you didn't say no, not like he was really asking, but again the rose colored glasses came into play

But time does keep moving forward and he graduated, but your classmates thought that meant it was open season for you, but when one of them got cornered and dabi threatened to burn their eyelids off, they quickly realized that it wasn't. He came by after school everyday to get you, hang out well over midnight, when your parents saw him for the first time, seeing a guy with tattoos and piercing and her daughter who looked like she was smitten with him, your mother nearly had a heart attack, and your dad told him to leave, but you left with him.

No matter if he left for days on end without telling you where he was going, when he came back you always greeted home with a hug and i missed you, when he grew cold and insulted you, you accepted his apology with open arms. Your mother was worried when she saw your wrist was bruised but you just told her it was nothing, dabi didnt like to see you leave, you would leave when he told you to, what was more imporant your relationship or studying for a dumb test.

You were still a pushover you couldn't stand up to your classmates, let alone a man you loved. Your parents saw this, they saw you become more and more reserved and quick to anger, they were just grateful you hadn't gotten a tattoo of his name somewhere on your body. But somehow you managed to graduate and even got accepted into collage, your parents were joyful and relieved. So when dabi came by to pick you up that night to hang out, you told him the good news. He wasn't happy

After everything he had done for you, you were going to move away and attend some school, sure you werne the picture perfect couple, but he loved you why were you trying to leave.

You told him you weren't leaving him, just going to school, oh so school was more important than him. He wouldn't listen to reason and stormed out of the place you were eating, you followed him trying to tell him that school would be good, you could find a higher paying job.

So you couldn't rely on him is that what you are saying, you were trying to get him to listen to reason you were going school, you thought he would support you, you were wrong

"Let's break up then, since this school is so important to you."



You hated when people raised their voice, you flinched and closed your eyes and then it was deadly calm

"Go home we are over." he said

"But you were riding here?" you said back

"Figure it out you are smart enough aren you." he said and left, so you walked home, you walked to 6 miles home, heartbroken and you parents were worried sick when they saw you come home, btu when you told them he broke up with you, they look relieved. But you were mourning the loss of your first boyfriend while they were glad to see him gone. It was really over wasn't it, he hated you now, you had your fights before but he never made you walk home alone in the middle of the night.

You blocked and deleted his number, blocked him on instagram and deleted all the photos you had together that night, you were angry, sad, confused that night.

Dabi the next morning looked at his phoen expecting to see a bunch of im sorry messages, but nothing he had no phone notifications, that pissed him off why the fuck didn't you try to call him saying you changed your mind. He called you back only to say the number you have dialed is no longer in service, tried to look you up on social media, couldn't be found, what the fuck (name).

He stopped by your house that day and your father threatened to call the cops on him if he didnt leave, while your mother was in your room helping decide what classes to take, when your dad later told your mother what happened, they decided it was best not to tell you he had stopped by.

Maybe it would be best to just focus on school for now, no boyfriend drama, a new start. Dabi hated you for your decision, in the past he threaten to break up but he never did you just went back on your decisions and it was calm again, but this time he really did break it off, there was no going back, so it was time to move on no matter how much time it took.

It was time to do things for yourself, your parents help you get back on your feet, maybe it was the amount of ice cream they let you eat, still the day came where it was time to move away and start school, your dad said that if dabi ever showed his face again to call him.

You thought he was over-ex drafting, dabi hadn't tried to stop by once afterwards, well to your knowledge that is, no he tried coming over at least twice a week and even got the cops called on him a couple times while you and your mom were out shopping.

So it was weird to have a new space all to yourself.

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