Crash Landing

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Did I say our trainers were fit? They should hire the security guys from downstairs for the job! 

Secretly I admired the arms that held me down. They were way thicker than my slimmed down thighs.


Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. He caught me. Panic rushed through me. 

But hey HE wasn't supposed to be here either...

His eyes had assessed me in a split seconds. Pretty impressive eyes. Though they gave me a bit of a frost bite at the moment.

My empty hands, he had gripped tightly in one of his, were given a thorough glance as well as my feet only wearing socks. Embarrassingly they of course had two holes. Ok, they must have been at least 7 years old, so no wonder... still... Urg!

It could only have been a very short time, that felt like forever, until he switched from assessing me towards checking out the rest of the room.

He still had me pinned down, now not quite as forceful as three seconds ago. Probably I did not seem to look very dangerous to him. To be honest against this MOUNTAIN all the tricks I had learned from wrestling with my cousins would surely be useless.

And he had pinned me down very thoroughly. No room for movement. Staring up I noticed his hair was in a very sharp military cut, most probably a veteran. Crap. Yea, no chance for me to get away.

He was older than me... Hmm I had always sucked in estimating ages but if I would guess... I would say late 20's. So far I had never gaped at a guy outside my age. THIS guy I did. He could attract anyone no matter what age. One can appreciate a masterpiece, can't one? It's not like a I could do anything else at the moment.

He had taken his time, checking the studio. As there was nothing to find, he seemed to loosen a bit more. Still, he had not spoken. This suspense was killing me.

The firm grip did not hurt, only my head was throbbing from where I had hit the floor. Freaking hardwood everywhere.

"Ahm I... Would you please let me... go." I pressed out. My voice sounding way too shaken to make a big impression.

But it seemed to have been enough, as his eyes came back to me.  The anger on his face had significantly scaled down. He now seemed more puzzled than angry. Maybe even a bit unsure what to do? My chances were climbing...

"Please?" I asked again.

He took his hands off of me immediately, as if I had burned him and stepped back leaving me space to sit up.

"Ouuch, that was quite an introduction." I tried to joke rubbing the back of my head and my wrists.

My joke really made him uncomfortable, and he glanced vaguely out of the window.

Ah, so he was NOT into hurting me. Good to know. My heartbeat slowly came back down from its all-time high.

"Sorry." He surprised me again with a boyish smile on his face.

"How nice of you." Too early for sarcasm? Let's hope he had some sense of humor.

"I saw you move in the window, and you startled me." He explained, where it was not really his fault. I shouldn't be here.

"Ok." I simply replied, earning a wary look from him. Sighing I added "I am sorry, too. I was curious..." Under his glance I felt the need to explain myself. Barely cutting short spilling why I was here. Tentatively I looked away at the next wall to avoid his stare.

He peeked down at me again from the side. "You work here?" he asked and pointed at my shirt that had the Logo of the studio printed on it.

"...I do..." was all I answered reluctantly.

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