Chapter 2

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            I reached the sword and gripped its hilt firmly. I tried to lift it but I wasn’t strong enough. Then I felt strength and power flood through me as the glowing green object in my coat pocket lit up. It was so bright I could see the faded green glow through my coat. The light swirled out of my coat and around the sword, making it light up with power. Only later would I find out that I had just made a temporary anti-Akuma weapon.

            The power seemed to give me strength and I lifted the sword up with ease. I raced back over to Akania, too worried about her to care what had just happened. She was cowered underneath the rubble, not crushed by any of it yet thankfully. But the small space she had left was bending and snapping. She didn’t have long before it all would fall on top of her. When I reached the pile of rubble, I raised the sword and hacked down at the debris.

            The wood and rock snapped under the sword’s blows with ease. Before I knew it, I could see Akania, cowering in the small space she had left through a small hole.

            “Akania!” I said loudly. She looked up at me, her eyes wide with fear. “Don’t worry. I’m going to get you out of here. I promise,” I assured her.

            I raised the sword and started slashing and stabbing down at the debris again. I had to move quickly. She didn’t have much longer. I was going as fast as I could manage, but even with the strength the strange glowing green object gave me, I could only go so fast. I had just made the hole in the pile big enough for her to crawl through when the ceiling overhead snapped.

            I looked up in fear as it fell towards us. I looked back down, reaching out through the hole towards Akania.

            “Akania, take my hand! We have to move now!” I cried.

            She started to crawl towards me, but when she looked up and saw the ceiling about to fall, she sighed. As she reached me, instead of grabbing my hand, she sat up and pushed me away. I cried out in shock as I stumbled back and tripped. I fell on my back as the ceiling of the cellar fell down on top of the pile of debris she was trapped under. I screamed in fear and sorrow as the small hole I had formed closed and the whole pile fell down completely.

            I stared in shock and fear at the now bigger pile of rubble. I could see the corner of Akania’s dress, stained with blood, sticking out of two rocks. It was too late. I hadn’t been able to save her. I wanted to cry but then I heard more people screaming. I looked up through the hole in the ceiling of the cellar. The church was in ruins. I could see outside in the village almost perfectly fine. An Akuma had a woman cornered. The woman clutched to a small child, staring in fear at the Akuma. The child was crying as the Akuma aimed its guns at them.

            Something inside of me snapped. These creatures had invaded my home and killed my best friend. I got up, raising my sword as I felt power and strength surge through me. I was only a nine year old girl. Who was I to think I could stand up against these creatures? I don’t know what I was thinking, but I raced towards the doors of the cellar.

            I didn’t even bother to unlock them. I slashed with my sword, breaking the lock on contact, and pushed them open. I jumped out into the open and raced around the ruins of the church towards the woman and her child. The Akuma had fired but she had snapped out of her terrified daze long enough to dodge the first bullets. Now she was trapped in between two houses, still holding the crying child close to her. The Akuma moved in for the kill.

            I will not let this creature kill any more innocent people. Not as long as I had the power to stop it. I raced towards the Akuma and cried out a battle cry, my fear, anger, and sorrow ripping the scream from me.

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