“Rest in peace, you pitiful Akuma,” I said softly.

            Then I fired the arrow. The arrow sailed through the air in between the Akuma and me with incredible speed. I swear I could hear the sound of the arrowhead slicing through the air. The sharp tip of the arrow slammed straight into the forehead of the white face on the Akuma. The creature let out a horrible wail as a green glow erupted from the single arrow and formed around its body. I watched with no emotion showing as the pitiful creature exploded into smoke.

            The ghostly form of the man I could see let out a wail like the Akuma had. The chains around his neck broke and he turned from the zombie appearance into an actual human appearance.  He smiled kindly at me and I smiled back.

            “Thank you,” I heard him whisper as he disappeared in the smoke.

            I sighed, lowering my bow as the smoke cleared. I might want to get out of here. I’m sure that explosion hadn’t gone undetected. I needed to avoid any trouble. I felt the green glow intensify around the bow and I held it up. I let go of the weapon as it shrank in my grasp. I held my hand out under it as it grew smaller and finally the green glow faded. A simple silver charm fell into my outstretched hand. It was a glinting silver bow with an arrow knocked on its string.

            I held the simple charm up to my neck. I brushed my fingers lightly against the silver chain sitting there. I felt the charm pull slightly in my grip then fall. I saw the small green glow as my charm attached itself to the chain. I let go of my necklace, letting it fall lightly onto my neck.

            I sighed again and I started to turn around, my eyes down. As I started walking, I looked up. What I saw made me gasp and stop, my hands rising in front of myself in shock. I had assumed I was alone, but apparently someone had been watching. A boy with pure white hair and grey eyes was peeking around the corner of the wall. He was wearing a yellow and orange colored trench coat with a white shirt underneath it. A grey vest was over the shirt but under the coat. He also wore dark brown pants and black boots. A faded green bandana was tied over the top of his head. I also noticed something that made my heart race slightly. Over his left eye, a red scar could be seen. On his forehead, connected to the scar, was a drawn red pentacle that wasn’t filled in. My right hand unconsciously went up to the right side of my forehead over my right eye. Thankfully, my hair was covering that side of my face.

            “Who are you?” I asked, lowering my hand.

            “Uh, sorry. Didn’t mean to be watching, but I heard the explosion and came to check out what had happened,” he apologized, stepping around the wall and smiling nervously, rubbing the back of his head.

            Then I saw the golden golem, flapping its little wings behind his head. I immediately stepped forward.

            “There you are you little flying rat!” I cried at the golem.

            The boy took a step back, holding his hands up in defense. “Whoa, no need to name call,” he said.

            “Not you. The golem behind you,” I said, pointing behind his head at the hovering golden golem.

            “Huh?” he asked, stepping aside to reveal the golem fully. The little sphere flew around his head before landing on top, letting its wings fold slightly by its sides. “Oh, you meant Timcanpy,” he said.

            “That’s what his name was!” I said, snapping my fingers in recognition.

            “Wait, you know Timcanpy?” the boy asked, obviously confused.

Twists of Fate *D.Gray-Man Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now