Chapter 54: How could you?

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I got up immediately and stormed to my room, ignoring Kians calls and pleas ro me to make appropriate decisions. 

I showered and changed into something more comfy (pic), then I walked over to the Jacks room. I thought Jack actually loved me but no Brittany pulled him in and took him away just like Cameron.

I knocked on the door which immediately opened revealing a flustered looking Jack. "I-" he started but I cut him off. 

My voice cracked, "Why? How could you?". I was on the verge of tears. He just looked at me with a guilty look. "Im sorry, I just couldnt help myself" 

I wiped the stray tear from my cheek, "Do you like her?". He hesitated which immediately told me the answer and it just broke my heart. "I dont know, please we can get through this" he pleaded. 

"No, Jack its ok. Its just like when we were younger, I'm standing here like a dumbass, hopelessly in love with you, and  your moving on to bigger and better things which in this case is Brittany. I get it, its fine"

Tears were streaming down my face by now, and Jack stood there with a look of sorrow and sadness plastered all over his face. "Thanks for yesterday, it was the best present I have ever gotten. And that's the sad thing, you were one of the best boyfriends a girl could ask for"

"Wait, were?" he asked in disbelief. 

"Yes. Were, past tense," it made my heart wrench at the words I spoke next, "meaning not anymore". His face dropped and I swear I saw a tear run down his cheek.

"Im sorry I wasn't good enough. Brittany will always be better, for once I thought I was good enough but I was wrong. Goodbye Jack" I took a deep breath and walked away from the guy that actually made me feel special. 

As I got further and further away from their door I could hear Jacks sniffs less and less but I was close enough to hear Jack J  say "You messed up big time" and Jack reply with "I know, I just lost my world"

If I was his world why did he kiss Brittany then? All sorts of questions popped up in my head about the whole situation. I didnt realize that I was on the roof until a voice interrupted my thoughts. 

"Whats wrong?" 

I looked at the HOLLYWOOD sign and let out a big breath of air. "Everything"

"If im gonna make you feel the tiniest bit better you have to be more specific" Nash joked. "Wait a second, why are you on the roof" I questioned earning a chuckle from Nash. 

He shrugged "Its a nice view". I nodded. "So are you gonna tell me whats up?" he questioned. 

"Jack and Brittany kissed" I said not making any eye contact. He didnt say anything but just wrapped me in a tight hug. "We broke up" I said, it was almost as if I was actually realizing what happened. 

"Jack is an absolute idiot for kissing that hoe, he lost you in exchange for what? A used latex glove?" I pulled away from Nash. I couldn't control my giggling.

"Yeah never say that again, like ever"

"Ok fine. But at least now everyone can see your beautiful smile" he said flashing his picture perfect smile. 

I blushed, "Thanks for making me feel better, your such a good friend". When I said that his smile faded a little, "yeah friend" he muttered looking down at the ground. 

I opened my mouth to ask him what was wrong but got interrupted by the roof door swinging open. "Im gonna kill Jack that little motherfucker! " Mahogany raged before rushing over and pulling me into a hug. "Are you ok?" she asked her voice all of a sudden lace with concern. 

This girl and her ability to change moods so fast amazes me. Forgetting all about what Nash said, the memories of what happened resurfaced causing my eyes to water. "No" I croaked before pulling her into a hug and letting the tears spill again. 

"Uh should I go?" Nash asked awkwardly. Mahogany must have given him a look because Nash was outta there faster than you could say Yes. 

"Brittany and Jack kissed" I said again, still not wanting to believe the words. "Hun, dont work yourself up over a guy, hes not worth it and Brittany is just a whore, everyone knows this, she cant help it"

"Does Cameron know?" I questioned. Lox thought for a sec before shaking her head no. "I have to tell him" I said getting up and brushing my hands on my pants. I headed to the door "Wait! Before you go, here" Lox said handing me a little box. I gave her a questioning look "Its for your birthday dumbass" she said with a grin. 

I rolled my eyes at my new nickname before opening the box to reveal a necklace with a pizza slice on it. "Turn it over" 

I did as instructed and turned it to see the letters B and half of an F. Mahogany joined another piece to mine to create the rest of the F and then other one. I pulled out the card and read the note. 'When you become the famous singer I know you will be always remember me, your bestie <3 -Lox'

"Your the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for" I said hugging her. "Thanks for everything Lox"

"No worries, now go tell Cameron!" she said pushing me towards the door. 

I laughed at her sudden urge then ran down the stairs from the roof to find Cameron.

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