The chase

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I was thrown down onto the ground.  My expensive gown ripped in at least 11 places.  The tall men dressed in dark fabrics,which hung from their obviously tall frames.  I felt so vulnerable just sat their on the cold wood floor surrounded by men.
I was still half asleep, they had come to take me after I had just finally fell into a slumber.  I don't know why they want me, I have taken part in nothing against the law... I am simply a 18 year old who spends her days sewing, cooking, and caring for my other siblings.
We live in the dry court Manor House down Sheldon lane.  Me my mother and father and my four younger brothers are all of high class.
I had a small inclination that this 'kidnapping' could have something to do with my father and his 'sketchy' under the table activities.
Listen if I'm going to be used for ransom, it better be for a god dam high price...
Just as I tried to stand up, still weak and being pushed back down by strong men, a man entered.
'For gods sake man at least let her stand'
'Yes boss' the man whimpered placing his metaphorical tail between his legs.
The dark tall rugged man slowly entered, his figure barely being touched by the moon light which show brightly through the room and down onto the floor.
He step forwarded so slowly it was painful.  I was trying to figure out if I knew him. I didn't.
He stepped out fully, I could see him.  He had shortish hair, not long not short.  He was so tall at least 6,1 and dressed in dark rich clothes which clung tightly to his muscular abdomen.  My eyes barely about to stay open were now wide awake and glistening at the art that this man was.
I had never looked at man like this before, men aren't something I tend to pay attention to.  For all I know he could be a murderer. But I wasn't looking inside him just at him.
He began to slowly approach me, moving out his hand as an offer for assistance.
I shivered back like a fearful puppy. What was this man going to do. Was he violent?
Seeing that I did not want to stand and couldn't he tucked his jacket behind his waist, which allowed him to bend down to my level.
'Oh darling, don't be afraid, I just want to have a little chat...'
He again gave me his hand, however this time I took it.  I tried to stand but I was too weak. He began getting frustrated and just grabbed my by my waist and carried my weak limp body with his strong muscular arms. You could tell his men were shocked at this sight. They mistook this action for him being caring.
After walking through corridors endlessly we reached a round room. The ceiling again made of pure glass the moon light again casting on him.
He placed me down on the floor, why not a chair there were so many around the room. He wanted me weak, obedient.
'Ok here's what's going to happen, I'm going to ask you questions about your father and your going to answer me' he demanded placing his hand aggressively on to his desk.
'What if I don't' I responded trying to move my head up to look at him.
'Well let's hope it doesn't come to that princess'
He then walked back to his chair where he sat down holding his dagger, he dragged it along is fingers as if to gesture that I know deep down what would happen.
'Ok number one, where is your father?'
He asked, I stayed silent..
When he did not hear the answer he wanted he the took his mental dagger and threw it against the wall in which it sunk in.
'Ok... questions two, is he running from me or from other men he has ripped off?'
I began getting rather annoyed
'Why me? Why me huh? Could you not of kidnapped, I don't know, the butler, his Tailer.'
'Oh princess, that would be a great plan, but would daddy care if I killed them... not really, and plus they don't look like you?' He replied looking at me with his stern eyes, his eyes they were so black you couldn't even see the pupil, mesmerising.
'Questions three, has he arranged your marriage yet?'
'I beg your pardon!' I replied now I had gathered the strength to stand up and face him.
'You heard me, if or when he does that mean that the money he has, my money will then belong to what ever rotten weasel of man your father picks! I'll ask again, Has your father arranged you a marriage?'
' I don't know, I'm too young! I have no interest in that sort of thing.' I replied as he walked towards me from his desk. 
'Oh, my darling, you should of been married off after the age of 14. The legal age. You have no interest?' He asked again.
'I don't even understand what your talking about?' I replied he was now stood right I front of me. I could feel his hot breath on my naked neck.
'You know nothing, did your mother never explain how marriage works darling?'
'STOP CALLING ME THAT!' I replied attempting to push his away from me. However he didn't move he just stood there and tilted his head.
'I'll call you what ever I want to call you...' he said grabbing my hand and pulling his sharp dagger out of his pocket, then he proceeded to slowly drag the sharp dagger down my arm to allow the blood to lightly drip on his boot.
' you see this, I control you. As much as I would like to discard of you and allow you to go home, I need you, your part of my plan darling. Without you, I have no leverage.  Daddy wouldn't want you to die would he now?'
He smirked.
I remained silent. Just staring into his black eyes.
'Now go get some rest, we will talk again tomorrow'
The men came again to collect me, they grabbed me by the arms and led me down a dark hallway to a bedroom, a grand one.

BEN BARNES Where stories live. Discover now